Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
I am a student of Gandhi's ideals of Truth and Love. I completed a Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut in 1997, in the Philosophy of Education. The subject of the thesis was Gandhi's ecological, holistic, environmentally transformative and self-educative philosophy. Because of my age and depth of inquiry, some people say 'scholar', but, really I am a student, trying to gain insight and certainty into the ideals he lit his path to Truth within through. I lived with my small family for 12 years 1999-2011, in the MA Math, a community based upon ethical ideals, in Kerala.We are now living between Sweden and the USA. I am interested to know how people are able to apply Gandhi's ideals in their lives and activities, and the problems that they see in this regard, particularly in light of our environmental crisis.
I find that the crisis we are facing right now, as a human civilzation is an ethical crisis. Have written a book to assist in the clarification of the ideals we want to hold in order to create a humane civilization. the title is:
Earth ethics of M.K. Gandhi with Teachings from Holy Mother Amma: an Introduction
now Out of Print.
Thank you for this opportunity to share our ideas.
When I read that you are from Kerala, the first thing I wondered was whether you have met "Ma" or not...now that I've read that you actually live in the Ashram, the question no longer exists. Welcome to the community! I was an original of the King Papers Project at Stanford (1985-86), and have met Mother several times during her early journey's to California. Her pictures adorn our house (for many years) and my husband considers himself a devotee of "Ma." I am a devotee of Yogananda. I am very curious about what it is like to live at the ashram? Do you work outside of the ashram?
I went to "Ma's" ashram in California in the early days (1989) (before she became a "superstar" in the US), and had the good fortune of being in the kitchen while she assisted in preparing lunch. It was a relatively small group of people then. Those days are gone, and the opportunity to be so close to her is only a sweet memory. I also saw her when she visited a church in Palo Alto, around the same time (1990?), and again in Berkeley, CA. When she walked down the aisle toward the front of the Congregational Church, I impulsively reached out and touched her arm when she passed by to let her know we were there (by that time, I felt like we were old friends). She smiled as she walked by. I immediately realized that I shouldn't have done that, but I just couldn't help myself.
After she became a mega star, I stopped going to see her when she came to the U.S. There were too many handlers and it was impossible to regain the familiar interaction of the early days. I'm grateful that we met her during her first visits to the U.S. and had her blessings and darshan as often as we did.
Blessings be upon you. I look forward to your reply.
- Lorna
P.S. I am an educator as well, and work with special needs middle school and high school students. I teach reading and English.
Thank you for your quick response that I was hoping would be available when I logged on. I feel that I have found a real friend based on our mutual journey to improve our spiritual self. I am blessed to be meeting you (I'm sure our gurus have a hand in this (smile).
I'm pleased that Clay Carson began this network (he's my old boss and friend), as through it we can meet and share ideas that will hopefully broaden our awareness of so many things, if we are open to the possibilities.
I certainly don't think I could take the path you have chosen in the ashram, but in my early days I did seriously consider such a life as a cloistered nun, but ultimately chose a different path in life.
I'm interested in learning what you do in your professional life. Are you married with children? If so, is it difficult living the communal life with a family?
I "met" Master on Good Friday,1985, when a friend from work invited me to attend a meditation service in an office building nearby. A group of devotees were meditating during their lunch hour. It was lovely and uplifting. Even though I had read part of the Autobiography of a Yogi in college for a religious studies class, the reading hadn't resonated with me at the time. But you never know when a life-changing event will occur. Over the years my spiritual eye has become more focused, and I was lucky to meet a man who is a beautiful spiritual soul, whom I married in 1992. In early July of this year, we spent an afternoon at the SRF Mother Center in Los Angeles (his 2nd visit, my 4th), just walking the grounds where Master once lived and feeling his presence. It was a gloriously beautiful, sunny day. I felt ultimate joy! If you're interested, I'd like to share a few photos taken that day. Let me know, and I'll post them to this site.
I was stunned to hear about your daughter. It must be hard. I have one daughter and one son as well. My sincere condolences. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hello dear friend; Yes, the fast is a terrifying weapon. The thought occured one night while I had been awake for unknown reasons. I mulled it for two days before deciding it may be a way to bring moral law to the Senate and House. They are so busy worrying and politicking for their mid-term elections, while hundres of thousands contiue to sicken and die due to lack of health care coverage. Please do send the FAST article to: myspiritdogs@yahoo.com.
Anni is beautiful. I need more time to read the excerpts as you are truly a profound and prolific writer. Thanks for suggesting I look at amritapuri.org. I don't think I've ever looked at this site, always going to the other one. Take care. I'll be in touch.
Thank you for including me in your circle of friends, Aunty ; I am honored.
I would be interested in your views of John Taylor Gatto's critique of compulsory education in industrialized countries( The Underground History of American Education; Weapons of Mass Instruction; Dumbing Us Down), and it's contribution to the creation of the Western consumer society and role in our current environmental crisis.
Shanti, Phil
From my own experience and observation, Mr. Gatto has it right;
the problems of labeling and exclusion that occur within both the academic system in the form of standardized testing and in the social arena that values athletic ability and physical appearance over intellectual development, is difficult to escape and has long-term effects on self-image, that in my opinion are as damaging as outright racism.
I listened with interest to a story on National Public Radio about a Primary School teacher who addressed the issue of differences and exclusion by instituting a new rule in her class of 8 & 9 year-old children: "You cannot say, 'You cannot play!' " and over the course of a single year noticed the shift in attitude in those children from a mean-spirited clique-oriented social pyramid into an accepting and caring group who were openly relieved to have that restrictive, exclusive environment forbidden.
The student in the current system, especially at the primary and secondary levels is left seeking one thing above all: acceptance. Not knowledge. It's more important to be able to parrot the 'right' answer, to 'fit in' , than to risk embarrassment, stigmatization and exclusion by appearing 'different' either in thought or even worse, appearance. God forbid you should develop at a different rate than those around you.
The result is a society based on exclusion rather than inclusion, populated by people who are largely unable to think critically or independently, who are easily lead, unnecessarily cruel and concerned largely with the immediate and superficial; a disposable society, in pain and seeking escape through medication and consumerism.
Mr. Gatto's observation that students are actively discouraged from exploring intellectually, from 'taking' an education and pursuing independent study by the restrictive cirriculum imposed by the state and the mandates of 'the numbers' that out-come based education demands, rings true in my own experience.
Far from providing me or others a palette with which to work on the portrait of who we might become, or ideas of what our possible contribution to society might be, the focus was narrowed to selecting a track(college prep or industrial arts) staying within the defined track and to the almighty test scores; not real-world skills. This attempt to homogenize, label and pigeon hole the population denies our uniqueness, discourages our inquisitive nature and perpetuates the idea that 'different' is unacceptable, inferior, or outright evil, and that one must 'have' in order to 'be'. One has only to look at the current 'back to school' ads to recognize this. The 'right' shirt, pants, shoes, cell-phone...are you rock, jock, hip-hop or skater...what's your label, what's your group...
I look forward to reading Mr. Vinoba Bhave's book.
Thank you for the recommendation!
Hi Auntie K:
I am out of hospital but still feeling very poorly. The Dr's are "mystified", as usual. I basically have to keep myself asleep with painkillers to mititgate the pain at all. This may affect the possibility of the fast, but I will weigh things very carefully as the battle unfolds. I thank all of you for your prayers. Unfortunately, I have no photos of myself to send. Please have Amma bless these animals here instead. If something happens to me, they will need more blessings than I. Namaste.
Hello Aunty K: I got the message that you left a comment, but found no comment to read!? Hope you and all at Amma's Ashram are well. Since my health is still questionable, I may have to reconsider the fast at the present time. As it looks like the debate on health care reform will, as usual, take some more time than previously hoped, I will hopefully have the time to recover before a fast is reconsidered. I hope this finds you well....Namaste..
Aunty K: I will be happy to leave comments on GandhiTopia re: the chapter on Fasting. Also, I have received the transcript of the radio program and my husband will scan it into to the computer so that I can send it to you at your email. Once again, thank you for everything, and I hope to be able to visit you in the (near) future.! Much love and blessings to all at Momma Amma's!
Hello Aunty
Gandhiji goes with simplicity and cleanliness; he firmly understood the importance of villages as base of Indian life; look at Rabindranath Tagore's Shantiniketan; very beautiful concept and realty; may be we are not aware of its present status; what I mean to say is if we search we can find Gandhiji and Tagore; the combination of Truth and Beauty every where; I always feel that short films on Gandhiji be made by our youth artists with the help of NGOs and be shown at village level; there are innumerable aspects of Gandhiji's life which are lessons in themselves. Youth are our hopes
Hi Kamala Aunty, I thought we were already friends on this websiite..anyway, I am back i in the US now. I did not want to reapply to the UK in December, so I just came back here! How is everything going there?
love, Ammu
Hi Thank you for the add, I am a trainer in Nonviolence, I am managing small organization called love Thy Neighbor, the main program is Nonviolence Youth of Palestine.at this program e teach nonviolence principles and steps, making deep look in Ghandi and King's nonviolence experiences, and other nonviolence efforts through the world...and yes many challanges we have first occupation second teaching youth nonviolence as resistance and way of living..
again thank you for the add
Yes, that is our turtle Jake. He is gorgeous! I enjoy the teachings of Gandhi and King. I believe they both epitomized how to be humane to others. They were deeply committed to bringing people together. You know, folks developing and deepening their understanding of others.
Thank you to add us in your list, I am in process to setup " Gandhi College of Social Work " in West Champran , from where Gandhiji started his movement in India.
Idea behind this college is to set a model where entire block ( 18 panchyats ) can be developed on four indicator of development Education , Health , Livelihood and Sustainable Environment , This college intend to bring a new model of education in the field of social work.
We are looking for experts , advisors , partners , activist and faculties for make this dream project success.
Please help me out and guide me with your network , detail project can be find out at DREAM RAINBOW
Girl Child
Some one in the crowd of a hundred,
there is a battered girl
Someone in the crowd of a hundred
is a widely relishing boy
Even if you don't believe this theory
You are supposed to know,
Every second of an hour
A girl is battered sore.
Some girls in crowd of hundred
Are killed as soon as they are born
No one cares for their future
For their lives are only torn.
You might not believe me surely
You might as well be informed
A boy is given more importance
Than a girl when they are born.
One girl in crowd of a hundred
Is respected when she is at birth
You don't need to believe what I say
But you must surely be shown
How for a ninety nine girls
The future of one boy is glown
One girl in the crowd of a hundred
Is not a victim of this injustice
But all in the crowd of a hundred
The honour of girls in all ways dismiss.
Lorna Meyer Daigle
When I read that you are from Kerala, the first thing I wondered was whether you have met "Ma" or not...now that I've read that you actually live in the Ashram, the question no longer exists. Welcome to the community! I was an original of the King Papers Project at Stanford (1985-86), and have met Mother several times during her early journey's to California. Her pictures adorn our house (for many years) and my husband considers himself a devotee of "Ma." I am a devotee of Yogananda. I am very curious about what it is like to live at the ashram? Do you work outside of the ashram?
I went to "Ma's" ashram in California in the early days (1989) (before she became a "superstar" in the US), and had the good fortune of being in the kitchen while she assisted in preparing lunch. It was a relatively small group of people then. Those days are gone, and the opportunity to be so close to her is only a sweet memory. I also saw her when she visited a church in Palo Alto, around the same time (1990?), and again in Berkeley, CA. When she walked down the aisle toward the front of the Congregational Church, I impulsively reached out and touched her arm when she passed by to let her know we were there (by that time, I felt like we were old friends). She smiled as she walked by. I immediately realized that I shouldn't have done that, but I just couldn't help myself.
After she became a mega star, I stopped going to see her when she came to the U.S. There were too many handlers and it was impossible to regain the familiar interaction of the early days. I'm grateful that we met her during her first visits to the U.S. and had her blessings and darshan as often as we did.
Blessings be upon you. I look forward to your reply.
- Lorna
P.S. I am an educator as well, and work with special needs middle school and high school students. I teach reading and English.
Jul 18, 2009
Lorna Meyer Daigle
I'm pleased that Clay Carson began this network (he's my old boss and friend), as through it we can meet and share ideas that will hopefully broaden our awareness of so many things, if we are open to the possibilities.
I certainly don't think I could take the path you have chosen in the ashram, but in my early days I did seriously consider such a life as a cloistered nun, but ultimately chose a different path in life.
I'm interested in learning what you do in your professional life. Are you married with children? If so, is it difficult living the communal life with a family?
I "met" Master on Good Friday,1985, when a friend from work invited me to attend a meditation service in an office building nearby. A group of devotees were meditating during their lunch hour. It was lovely and uplifting. Even though I had read part of the Autobiography of a Yogi in college for a religious studies class, the reading hadn't resonated with me at the time. But you never know when a life-changing event will occur. Over the years my spiritual eye has become more focused, and I was lucky to meet a man who is a beautiful spiritual soul, whom I married in 1992. In early July of this year, we spent an afternoon at the SRF Mother Center in Los Angeles (his 2nd visit, my 4th), just walking the grounds where Master once lived and feeling his presence. It was a gloriously beautiful, sunny day. I felt ultimate joy! If you're interested, I'd like to share a few photos taken that day. Let me know, and I'll post them to this site.
More later. Blessings!
Jul 20, 2009
Lorna Meyer Daigle
I was stunned to hear about your daughter. It must be hard. I have one daughter and one son as well. My sincere condolences. Hope to hear from you soon.
Jul 21, 2009
Shishirbindu C. B.
thanks for your comment.
interested to know more about your work and perticularly about publication
would like to talk with you.
Jul 31, 2009
ceil deprey
I donot knowhow to get a scrren name. can you help me?
Jul 31, 2009
Lorna Meyer Daigle
Jul 31, 2009
Morgana Washington
Aug 1, 2009
Donna M. Walker
Again, thank you and have a good day!
Aug 2, 2009
Lorna Meyer Daigle
Aug 2, 2009
Lorna Meyer Daigle
Aug 4, 2009
Lorna Meyer Daigle
Aug 6, 2009
Phil Hansing
I would be interested in your views of John Taylor Gatto's critique of compulsory education in industrialized countries( The Underground History of American Education; Weapons of Mass Instruction; Dumbing Us Down), and it's contribution to the creation of the Western consumer society and role in our current environmental crisis.
Shanti, Phil
Aug 26, 2009
Phil Hansing
the problems of labeling and exclusion that occur within both the academic system in the form of standardized testing and in the social arena that values athletic ability and physical appearance over intellectual development, is difficult to escape and has long-term effects on self-image, that in my opinion are as damaging as outright racism.
I listened with interest to a story on National Public Radio about a Primary School teacher who addressed the issue of differences and exclusion by instituting a new rule in her class of 8 & 9 year-old children: "You cannot say, 'You cannot play!' " and over the course of a single year noticed the shift in attitude in those children from a mean-spirited clique-oriented social pyramid into an accepting and caring group who were openly relieved to have that restrictive, exclusive environment forbidden.
The student in the current system, especially at the primary and secondary levels is left seeking one thing above all: acceptance. Not knowledge. It's more important to be able to parrot the 'right' answer, to 'fit in' , than to risk embarrassment, stigmatization and exclusion by appearing 'different' either in thought or even worse, appearance. God forbid you should develop at a different rate than those around you.
The result is a society based on exclusion rather than inclusion, populated by people who are largely unable to think critically or independently, who are easily lead, unnecessarily cruel and concerned largely with the immediate and superficial; a disposable society, in pain and seeking escape through medication and consumerism.
Mr. Gatto's observation that students are actively discouraged from exploring intellectually, from 'taking' an education and pursuing independent study by the restrictive cirriculum imposed by the state and the mandates of 'the numbers' that out-come based education demands, rings true in my own experience.
Far from providing me or others a palette with which to work on the portrait of who we might become, or ideas of what our possible contribution to society might be, the focus was narrowed to selecting a track(college prep or industrial arts) staying within the defined track and to the almighty test scores; not real-world skills. This attempt to homogenize, label and pigeon hole the population denies our uniqueness, discourages our inquisitive nature and perpetuates the idea that 'different' is unacceptable, inferior, or outright evil, and that one must 'have' in order to 'be'. One has only to look at the current 'back to school' ads to recognize this. The 'right' shirt, pants, shoes, cell-phone...are you rock, jock, hip-hop or skater...what's your label, what's your group...
I look forward to reading Mr. Vinoba Bhave's book.
Thank you for the recommendation!
Aug 27, 2009
Morgana Washington
I am out of hospital but still feeling very poorly. The Dr's are "mystified", as usual. I basically have to keep myself asleep with painkillers to mititgate the pain at all. This may affect the possibility of the fast, but I will weigh things very carefully as the battle unfolds. I thank all of you for your prayers. Unfortunately, I have no photos of myself to send. Please have Amma bless these animals here instead. If something happens to me, they will need more blessings than I. Namaste.
Aug 27, 2009
Michelle Fawcett
Aug 28, 2009
Morgana Washington
Aug 29, 2009
Morgana Washington
Aug 31, 2009
Shriram Tekale
Sep 1, 2009
Ranjankumar Munshi
Gandhiji goes with simplicity and cleanliness; he firmly understood the importance of villages as base of Indian life; look at Rabindranath Tagore's Shantiniketan; very beautiful concept and realty; may be we are not aware of its present status; what I mean to say is if we search we can find Gandhiji and Tagore; the combination of Truth and Beauty every where; I always feel that short films on Gandhiji be made by our youth artists with the help of NGOs and be shown at village level; there are innumerable aspects of Gandhiji's life which are lessons in themselves. Youth are our hopes
Oct 15, 2009
Lorna Meyer Daigle
Dec 7, 2009
Cheli Gurung
Feb 5, 2010
Aparna Ashok
love, Ammu
Feb 10, 2010
again thank you for the add
Feb 10, 2010
Yes, that is our turtle Jake. He is gorgeous! I enjoy the teachings of Gandhi and King. I believe they both epitomized how to be humane to others. They were deeply committed to bringing people together. You know, folks developing and deepening their understanding of others.
Feb 11, 2010
R. Prasad Gandhi
Feb 16, 2010
M.Gandhi College of Social Work
Idea behind this college is to set a model where entire block ( 18 panchyats ) can be developed on four indicator of development Education , Health , Livelihood and Sustainable Environment , This college intend to bring a new model of education in the field of social work.
We are looking for experts , advisors , partners , activist and faculties for make this dream project success.
Please help me out and guide me with your network , detail project can be find out at DREAM RAINBOW
Jai Jagat
Apr 23, 2010
Prof. Dr. Vibhuti Patel
Some one in the crowd of a hundred,
there is a battered girl
Someone in the crowd of a hundred
is a widely relishing boy
Even if you don't believe this theory
You are supposed to know,
Every second of an hour
A girl is battered sore.
Some girls in crowd of hundred
Are killed as soon as they are born
No one cares for their future
For their lives are only torn.
You might not believe me surely
You might as well be informed
A boy is given more importance
Than a girl when they are born.
One girl in crowd of a hundred
Is respected when she is at birth
You don't need to believe what I say
But you must surely be shown
How for a ninety nine girls
The future of one boy is glown
One girl in the crowd of a hundred
Is not a victim of this injustice
But all in the crowd of a hundred
The honour of girls in all ways dismiss.
By Lara Jesani
Jun 5, 2010