ceil deprey


Sheboygan, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Social Justice
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
Am interested in Peace, which presupposes Social Justice to begin. I believe we change the world by example, so being peaceful is the place to begin. I work at changing myself, to provide the universe with a more peaceful environment.
Organizations related to Gandhi/King
Pax Christi, Pace Bene, Call to Action

Comment Wall:

  • Aunty Kamala

    Dear Ceil, I'm not quite sure what you mean by screen name. Currently you are listed as Ceil Deprey. I think if you mean screen name on GandhiTopia, then go to "My Page" at the header, and click 'edit profile' and put what you would like in the name box.
    I hope this helps.
    Aunty Kamala