Morgana Washington


Craryville, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Peace, Social Justice, Environment
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
A follower of Gandhi and King since childhood; rescue and rehabilitation of animals and student of satyagraha.
Website (commercial websites are not allowed):
Organizations related to Gandhi/King
GandhiTopia/GandhiServe/Gandhi Foundation

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  • Aunty Kamala

    Dearest Morgana, and you love animals too! You must be an angel...Our prayers are with you.
    Loving you,
    Aunty Kamala
  • Aunty Kamala

    Morgana, I greatly appreciate your email comments on the chapter on the Fast, it showed me that it did exactly what I hoped it would - clarify the understanding and present a more in-depth view of the concept. I would be grateful if you would share those comments with Gandhi topia.
    Thanking you, you are in our hearts and prayers,
    Aunty Kamala

    Of course