The Gandhi-King Community

For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment

How to overcome racism,sexism,facism etc negatives of human experience and free folks from deep seated prejudices is a bigger question togather with saving the world be going Vegan

Dear Folks ,as you can see I have been invited to an event and have replied to Mike.
Mike Wheeler August 27 at 7:04pm
hi are you coming to our love music hate racsim event in bristol on 10th september. we have 4 fantastic bands playing and speakers including Roger Berry MP and Chris Baugh PCS assistant general secretary Ravi Pandya August 27 at 2:14pm
Would like to come to the event but if an Indian Warrior Rajpoot Hindu Prince suffered racism in UK even though he helped an anglican christian church raise funds by charity cricket match for repair of its clock in yorkshire and also mowed the lawn for them suffered racism hundred years ago in uk and so did PM Indira Ghandi when she came to study at Badminton school in bristol and so did Maneka Ghandi MP whats the point of attending racism events when the Indians,rajpoots,sikhs and gurkahs etc have given so much blood for our freedoms and democracy have been treated shabily whilst any other tom ,dick and harry gets feted.So unless,we can facilitate first indian or african or asian or white female vegan PM of UK or for that matter King or Queen by racial marriage or Pope or Popess then we might talk of racism,sexism until the cows come home.hence,pray restore past injustices by conferring Honarary captainship of England on king ranjitsinhji,K.s and lets have his stautue erected in bristol or uk then one would feel like attending racism ,sexism and animal welfare talks when one sees action speak louder then words.Indeed,one asks labour govenment to tax meat and declare mondays or fridays as meat free day and declare diwali as a public holiday for hindus and indians sacrifice for mother uk.thanks for the invitation.

Ranjitsinhji, K S
Indian prince and cricketer, popularly known as 'Ranji', who played for Sussex and England. - Cached - Similar
Ranji led a team of English players on a tour of North America in September and October of 1899, playing two games against the Philadelphians. At this time, the Philadelphian Gentlemen were able to put a team on the field that was competitive against most world sides, and with Bart King, possessed one of the best bowlers in the world. The KS Ranjitsinhji XI won both games by an innings and over one hundred runs, with Ranji’s contribution in his sides two innings being 68 and 57. In spite of the team winning both games convincingly under his leadership and his captaincy efforts with Sussex over the years, Ranji was never considered for this role with England. There were enough individuals of Lord Harris’ ilk in the various positions of power that ensured that Ranji would never rise to become the first Indian born player to captain England. That honour would come later to Douglas Jardine.

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 15:43:13 -0500
Subject: It's Time to Shut Down the Chinese Fur Industry

Your tax-deductible gift today can help our efforts to shut down the bloody fur industry for good.

Dear Mr. Pandya,

Right now, in cramped, filthy cages on fur farms throughout China, millions of vulnerable animals await a painful death. It may come from strangulation by a wire noose or a knife slash across the throat.

The skin is then ripped off their broken and abused bodies and will be turned into fur-trimmed hats, jackets, gloves, and other items—items that you will find on the shelves of department stores this fall.

For the Chinese fur industry—one of the world's largest suppliers of animal fur—this isn't just about fur coats. The result of the suffering of animals in China may be creeping into consumers' daily lives right now, often without their even knowing it. You can help us protect animals killed for their skin and stop the fur industry in its tracks by making a special gift today to support PETA's unique and vital work to end animal abuse.

The ways that the suffering caused by the fur industry appear in the lives of otherwise compassionate consumers is insidious. It may come in the form of a toy purchased for a cat at a pet-supply store—a toy that could be made from the skin of another cat who was stolen, loaded in a crate onto a truck with thousands of other cats, forced to endure days of suffering while being transported to a slaughterhouse in northern China, and then cruelly beaten and skinned. But the label won't tell you that.

Or those little fur tassels on a pair of gloves. Those might be the fur of a German shepherd or a chow chow, who was once loved and cherished—and then was one day kidnapped and sold at the local animal market. After days without water or food and after being beaten repeatedly, the dog was painfully killed and stripped of skin. Did the label mention that?

The fur industry is so desperate to push its cruel wares that it has even stooped to lying to unsuspecting consumers, intentionally mislabeling fur garments as fake—or as coming from rabbits or other animals when they're actually from cats and dogs. The fact is that it takes expensive DNA tests to prove what kind of animal was killed to make each piece of fur trim, coat collar, glove lining, cat toy, or furry trinket. So as you can imagine, these tests are rarely, if ever, done.

PETA is leading the fight against the fur trade—both in China and worldwide—and we're making significant progress. Through our thought-provoking campaigns and groundbreaking undercover investigations, we're getting major designers and retailers like Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, Liz Claiborne Inc., Polo Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger to swear off using fur in their collections. But none of what we do is possible without your support.

That's why I hope you will make a generous donation today to help us call attention to the horrors that animals killed for their skins endure and work to shut down this violent and bloody trade for good.

Together, we can help the dogs, cats, rabbits, and countless other individual animals who are suffering on fur farms in China and around the world.

Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

P.S. Even as more and more consumers reject fur, a desperate fur industry is trying come back by pushing its bloody trade through cat toys, fur trim, and other products created from the same kind of suffering that goes into every fur coat. Won't you help us stand up to this challenge and fight for all animals killed for their skin by making a tax-deductible donation right now?

Click to update your e-mail preferences or to unsubscribe.
This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.

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Unique post I missed so long. I must share it.



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