The Gandhi-King Community

For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment

Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav

Senior Gandhian Scholar, Professor, Editor and Linguist

Gandhi International Study and Research Institute, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

Contact No. – 09404955338, 09415777229


Mailing Address- C- 29, Swaraj Nagar, Panki, Kanpur- 208020, Uttar Pradesh, India



General K. M. Cariappa and Mahatma Gandhi 



General K. M. Cariappa was a field marshal. He was born in 29 December, 1899. He started his army carrier during me world war. After independence he became first Chief of Indian army on 15 January, 1947. He met with Mahatma Gandhi and he discussed on many issues to him. You know something of my having written in my paper about your statement on non-violence in London last month. When we meet again, I would like further to discuss this subject with you. 1

Gandhiji turned to him and said smilingly: I see you have again removed your shoes outside. You had done it when you came two days ago also. The General replied: “It is but proper that I should do so when coming to see a godly man like you.” I have been receiving numerous complaints concerning the police and the army personnel. They take bribes and are biased in favour of their own community. If the seed itself is rotten what will become of the plants and the foliage? Not even thorns will then grow. The army and the police are potent limbs of the country. It is a pity that following the partitioning of the country the army also had to be partitioned on communal lines. But it is the duty of policemen not to show caste and communal bias. They must bravely serve the country. It is the duty of every armed force to protect the minority community. Pakistan will not heed my word, but if you the Generals of the army of the Indian Union listen to me and help me, I shall believe we have truly gained freedom in a non-violent way. Let us make ourselves worthy of such freedom. In the swaraj gained in such a wonderful way, the personnel of the army and the police must always remain pure and above board. What a wonderful example of this unity is set by Netaji, the founder of the Indian National Army; “Let every Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Parsi and others think that India is their country and work unitedly for it.” He has proved this unity before us all.

Q. Pakistan has no use for non-violence. How then can we win their hearts and prove the efficacy of ahimsa? Violence can only be overcome through non-violence. This is as clear to me as the proposition that two and two make four. But for this one must have faith. Even a weapon like atom bomb when used against non-violence will prove ineffective. This applies to true non-violence. But very few people have grasped this eternal truth. Faith by itself also will not do. It must be supplemented by knowledge. Training in ahimsa is not to be had like training in the use of weapons in military training colleges and institutions. It requires purity of heart and soul-force. The difficulty we find in pitting non-violence against violence only shows our inner weakness. A short time ago, even Mr. Jinnah had clearly stated that in political disputes violence must be eschewed. If Mr. Jinnah meant what he said then the violence that today engulfs us can be brought to an end in no time. And if Pakistan does not stop violence, the violent killings can still be stopped if Hindus in the Union have faith in non-violence.

A votary of non-violence will not allow the slightest hint of violence to enter his heart. How then can his conduct be violent? The General said: “If we have to have an army at all it must be a good one. I would like to remind them in my own way of the need for and the value of non-violence. Tell me, please, how I can put this over, i.e., the spirit of non-violence to the troops without endangering their sense of duty to train themselves well professionally as soldiers. I am a child in this matter. I want your guidance.” Gandhiji laughed. He was still at his charkha. He paused, looked at the General and said: Yes you are all children, I am a child too, but I happen to be a bigger child than you because I have given more thought to this question than you all have. You have asked me to tell you in a tangible and concrete form how you can put over to the troops you command the need for non-violence. I am still groping in the dark for the answer. I will find it and I will give it to you some day. He then went on to recount how even Lord Wavell and Lord Mountbatten, both veteran professional soldiers, had expressed their implicit faith in the value of non-violence. Lord Wavell was very impressed with the non-violent way in which the communal troubles between Hindus and Muslims had been tackled by us.

They both hoped that our ideologies of non-violence and pacifism would be understood by the peoples of the world and practised by all in solving international disputes. Of course, they had at the same time said that one should always be prepared for self-defence. At parting Gandhiji repeated: I will think about this seriously in the next few days and will let you know about it soon. However, I would like to see you more often so that we may further discuss this important subject. I have always had the greatest admiration for the discipline in the army and also for the importance you army people pay to sanitation and hygiene. I tell my people in my talks to them to copy the army in these respects. 2




  1. Mahatma Gandhi—The Last Phase, Vol. II, pp. 523-4
  2. Mahatma Gandhi—The Last Phase, Vol. II, pp. 524-5



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