The Gandhi-King Community

For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment

  Gandhi was a man of nature. He loved flowers very much. He never plucked flowers in his grown up age. He garlanded Khadi sut because of loved flowers. Gandhi wrote a letter to Gopalji on dated 3 November 1947 that the selected flowers from the Ramayana which you sent are welcome. I will enjoy their fragrance occasionally. How can I ever forget it? Gandhi wrote a letter to Prabhakar on dated 12 May1947 that I am happy to learn the good news about the hospital there. You are right when you say that where there is consciousness of dharma even thorns seem like flowers. Gandhi wrote a letter on dated 17 February 1947 that I just cannot imagine how after this terrible massacre of your own people you could ever think of spending anything over these flowers. Gandhi delivered in a prayer speech on dated 13 March 1947 in Patna that you should grow a garden where women and children can walk about. The lanes should be spotlessly clean. The roads even if they are narrow, should be so well-maintained that even a blind man should be able to walk on them. This alone can turn the villages of India into heaven on earth. Gandhi advised to Muslim Refugees on dated 16 March 1947 that Even if there is one such person among you, your fame would be matchless in the entire world and God would shower flowers over you, and that fragrance would spread in the entire country. Gandhi spoke in a prayer meeting on dated 10 March 1946 that among other things, he even used to auction garlands of flowers which were presented to him. Here he confessed that he had never liked garlands of flowers. He had always held it to be cruel or wrong to pick flowers from plants. Flowers should be allowed to fall to the ground in a natural way. They then made a beautiful carpet under the trees and looked just as lovely as when they were in blossom. In his ashram people were expected not to pick flowers from off the trees. Thus was introduced the custom of presenting garlands of hand-spun yarn in the place of flowers. Gandhi wrote in Harijan on dated 1 March 1946 that Beds in which flowers have been successfully grown are usually suitable but portions of lawns may also be dug up and used for vegetable gardening. Gandhi wrote a letter to Munnalal G. Shah on dated 21 March 1945 that the gods will shower flowers and it may be I shall be there to watch. Make it an ideal kitchen. Run it with the help of servants, so Called, but let them feel that they are not servants but masters or trustees. Gandhi wrote on dated 8 February 1945 that A man will see and hear only that which he wishes to see and hear. A gardener will see only the flowers in a garden, whilst a philosopher will be oblivious of them. Perhaps he will not even notice whether he is inside the garden or outside! Gandhi wrote on 12 February 1945 that It is my firm belief that they do not die; it is only their bodies that perish. Their memory has to be kept alive by imbibing their virtues as far as we can, by taking up their good work and promoting it to the best of our ability. Flowers are placed on their samadhis to strengthen such remembrance. But to remain content with mere flower-offering would be idol-worship. Gandhi wrote a letter to M. S. kelkar on dated 11 May 1945 that I have your letter. How nice it will be if Hari-ichchha recovers completely. The entire credit will go to you. More than that, flowers will be showered on you from above. Gandhi wrote in Harijan Sewak on dated 14 September 1940 that We shall never forget the aim of Harijan Sevak, which is the service of the Harijan. For so long as the incubus of untouchability remains our efforts to win swaraj will be like looking for flowers in the sky. Gandhi wrote in Harijan on dated 13 July 1940 that It is only he who feels one with his opponent that can receive his blows as though they were so many flowers. Gandhi spoke in a speech on dated 22 February 1940 that Truth and non-violence are not just flowers in the sky. They should be manifest in all our words, dealings and acts. Gandhi wrote a letter on dated 15 July 1937 that if all the flowers in a garden were endowed with wisdom, I suppose it will be quite consistent for each flower to retain its personality whilst recognizing the basic unity of all flowers. Gandhi spoke on dated 31 October 1936 that I am not the person to run away from the thorny Path. I shall sleep there as I would on a bed of flowers if I could get one.

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