The Gandhi-King Community

For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment

We must make witness to the Gulf Oil Disaster

Hello everyone:
I have this driving thought in my mind: to go to the Gulf and see with my own eyes what is REALLY going on down there. An act of civil disobedience if necessary. I believe that we are daily being lied to through the teeth of the people who have perpetrated this ecological disaster. Someone from outside needs to bear witness to this unprecedented event, regardless of authority, if not for "We the People", then for the Earth herself.
Since I literally am broke, I am asking for willing folk to donate the cost of a round-trip flight to Louisana. Never mind about bail ().
"There is something rotten in the state of Denmark", as the great Bard put it, and we all feel it and some of us know it in our bones. The photos of dead sea turtles, seabirds mummified in oil in situ, the befouled coastline(s) give me chills, and make me sob uncontrollably each and every day. If others would like to join me, all the better, but if I can get there, I solemnly swear to look, see, find everything that I can about what is going on down there, on behalf of all of us. Americans have the constitutional right to know what is really going on in their own land(s), and it is an outrage that so many of us sit in front of TV's or the Inet and watch, but do nothing. Basically, if I could, I would call for a million-person march to the Gulf Coast!! That is what we need to do, but even one person can make a difference. This is not under the auspices of any organization, but on my own and personal initiative. I keep wondering: where is the outrage, and how can we all participate in our Democracy (no jokes please) if we do not unearth the truth. Please help, please join me, please pray for our Mother Gaia and that the BP's (British Petroleum and Bad Politicians) are successful in stopping this well. And of course, if you would be willing to support this kind of action, please help me to raise the funds to get there. If I cannot raise the funds, then I think I must walk there, because the oxymoron of using petroleum products to fly me there are obvious. If I do have to walk from Upstate NY to Louisana, then this will be my version of Gandhiji's Dandi March.
I may be daft, but I feel this is called for. Blessings to one and all.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
"Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart" - M.K.Gandhi

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