For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment
Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav
Gandhian Scholar
Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Contact No. – 09415777229, 094055338
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur and Mahatma Gandhi-V
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Better a pencil letter than none. I have sent you a wire. Mahadev took the journey well. Poor Shraddha was bad. The train reached Wardha 4 hours late. I hope you are having a good and useful time there. You will insist on keeping well.”230 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Narandas is a worker, not a writer. Therefore the description of things has to come from you and no one else. Chi. does write but he won’t have the time to give me details. And they are all afraid to burden me with descriptions. Well, if your suggestion had been received by me it would have helped me. However I accept your apology. Only don’t do it again. The weather for me is ideal. The blood-pressure is ideal, almost always 160-164/100-104.”231Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You have been as usual good in writing to me. I am glad you have been able to make all those acquaintances. I am waiting for detailed account. Mahadev is steadily getting better. I am in first-class health. I am going through a lot of work. Sushila is down with fever. She is better today.”232
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I write this while I am eating. I got your Amreli letter today. I am not satisfied with the way you seem to have treated your body. Mahadev is staying behind. You will do what you like with him. I have not kept as well as I am now for years. Sushila is weak but without fever. A. S. is coming Ba is not well. She stays behind. I am taking Brijkrishna with me. Address me Peshawar.”233 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “We reached quite well. The pressure behaved well in the train also. Better address letters Peshawar. There is no cold here as yet. The nights are very good. My silence continues giving me great peace and saving so much time and energy.”234 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I am glad my wire went to you before your letter and wire came into my hands. I offer no apology for not telling you anything about the closing of the experiment. I had prepared you for it. And then I wrote a note announcing the termination. There was no desire to keep it from you. A copy of the note is herewith. Mahadev may not have it handy. He must read it to you, if you can’t. It is Kanu’s hand. No apology either for suppressing Mahadev’s letter. Mahadev had guessed (wrongly) that something which I forget had happened on the basis of your talk with him. As it had not, and as Mahadev had told me not to deliver it to you if his guess was wrong, I did the right thing. It would have been wrong on my part even to have mentioned the thing to you and taken your time and my time for nothing. Supposing somebody swears at you thinking that you had been painting your face every day, I would correct the person but would certainly not feel the call sic that that person had done you an unintentional wrong. Now you understand, I hope. I won’t ask for your apology. I have never enjoyed so much rest as Khan Saheb gives me. No visitors, no talks practically even on slips of paper. The result is I have been able without effort to write five articles for Harijan. You will give me your reaction to the articles on the European situation. Your estimate of N. N. Joshi is correct. He prevaricates without knowing that he is doing so. But he is a good worker. This tour has taught me one lesson. I must not put such heavy burdens on you. What I had hoped would be a light thing evidently was a serious drain on your energy. I hope that you will soon regain your lost health such as it is. I know that Mahadev & Co. will flourish under your grandmotherly care. I was anxious for M. to accept your invitation. And Shummy is there first class for such occasions. I shall look forward to your daily bulletin. We are flourishing. There is no cold yet. I have never been as fit as I have felt latterly. There is an interruption because the old devil in the shape of animal passion is at me. When he assails me, I do feel worried. But the thing will wear away. So you see the most relevant thing I do share with you. But you are not to disturb yourself over this. It worries without disturbing me or making me morose. I seek the presence of God.”235
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I see the right hand must rest a little. It is having more work than it can comfortably manage. My health still remains ideal. What it will be during the tour I do not know. The silence will help me. Joshi’s letter is quite typical of him. Tell Mahadev I got a wire yesterday saying Shukla is dead. He was one of my oldest friends, i. e., of English student days. He was practicing in Rajkot. They are still having rains in Segaon. Here it is perfectly dry. Kanti’s letters are herewith for Mahadev. They are interesting. You should ask Mahadev to give you a summary of what he has to say.”236 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is merely for love’s sake. During the tour I must conserve time and energy. You will give me your reaction to the 2nd article on the European situation.”237 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “My post is going a begging. Hence for four days I am without any news from you. I know it is well with Mahadev and yet one wants the written letter. Ba, whose health has caused me anxiety this time, is out of danger. Perhaps Mahadev too gets the news independently. At this end it is all well. I am having good chats with the Khudai Khidmatgars. The more correct description would be to say that I have been giving them discourses which Khan Saheb translates with rare zeal. He puts his whole soul into the thing. Silence has become second nature with me.”238
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “But thank God for this tyrant you acquit him of conscious injustice. Mahadev says you felt like fainting the other day. Why? And why do you persist in working even when you faint? Or do you want it to be said of you after your death may it be after many years that you were so conscientious that you worked away even though you fainted? In my language it would be called folly. You must not faint. There is no medicine for Shummy save love, more and yet more ad infinitum. I must not say more if I am to keep my appointments. Your Kohat letter has come.”239 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You must do with the pencil hand and on mill-made paper the pencil does not move well on the glazed hand-made. Your two letters were awaiting me when we reached Bannu. ‘A Woman’s Letter’ I may use for Harijan. Your Kathiawar thing will go in this week with the last paragraph or two cut out. It is not likely that my articles on the European situation will bear fruit immediately. But they will, if India develops non-violence. There are grave doubts about its possibility. My own impurity is probably the chief stumbling-block. My word has lost its power as it appears to me. It should, according to my views of purity. However, I push on in faith. I must detach myself from the results of my thought, word or deed. I am not going to judge myself and condemn me to inactivity because I cannot get rid of the impurity in spite of incessant effort. Now perhaps you will understand my disbelief in my power to reach the woman’s heart. But this is a long story. So much has come in spontaneously. You won’t worry because I do not worry at all. I do not brood over my impurity. I see the snake is there. I know his fangs worse than a krait’s. I am therefore on my guard. The best test of no worry is my uniformly steady b. p. I wish you would show this to Mahadev. When I began the letter I did not know that it would be a serious business. It is good in a way. I have simply give you a few lines for love’s sake.”240
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is for tomorrow and to send you letter from Junagadh. After you have seen it, please send it to Narandas have sent a sweet letter in Gujarati to the Dewan. You will of course write. This I am writing in the midst of the Khudai Khidmatgars to whom I shall presently speak. They are coming in.”241 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is merely to tell you this is a lazy day for me in one way and a very busy day in another way. Did you ever receive my letter in which I asked you to send me some khadi sheets? Whether you did and forgot to send, or whether you never got it, pray do not send any now, as Chandrashanker has sent four pads. They will see me through.”242
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Though you both say you don’t expect me to write daily, you do expect to hear from me!! I say nothing about myself because I have never kept better. The weather, food and peace have combined to bring about the results. I have nobody to quarrel with except Amtussalaam. But my silence is an effective check on that too. There was an interruption after I had written the foregoing lines. And when I write with the left hand, everything moves slow, the brain included. It is a good thing.”243 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “It is nearing 8 p. m. my time for walking out. The last of three deputations has just left me. What did I say about S.’s prescription for Durga? You are right. If I gave up Segaon altogether, it would be unjust to Aryanayakam. But I am not giving up Segaon. If all goes well, part of the year I must spend there. Let us see. Heaven’s Light my Guide.”244
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is just when we are ready to start. What is the difference between radio news and the paper news? Both are equally unreliable. My health has suffered no set-back. I am inclined to think that I can flourish even in midwinter. But I may be over-enthusiastic.”245 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Did you notice the recrudescence of riots in Burma? It is a sad thing. The secret of the monks taking a leading part in them we shall perhaps never know. We visited the famous Gurdwara in Hasan Abdal. You should if you have not. Whilst the building is majestic, the Spirit of Nanak was absent. There was nothing from you yesterday. I expect to have your letter at Abbott bad.”246 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is Satis Babu’s latest production. He is making vast strides in this direction. Your two letters came in today, the first without anything from M. What could I say but from the heart about your pathetic appeal? If the message comes to me nothing on earth would deter me. I have told you, perhaps, I have not the requisite purity to penetrate the woman heart. There must be a distance between her and me so long as I have the 4 snake in me. You can but pray. But the effort has to be mine. Therefore don’t feel angry or sorrowful if I can’t answer your expectations.” 247
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Yes, the lines you have sent me were copied for me by you before also. I shall have them recited by Babla when he comes. You should ask him to remind me. I hope you got my letter written from Taxila and one from Delhi where I had a very busy day, seeing people up to the last moment. But the pressure remained quite good, 166/100.”248 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I hope I misunderstood your letter of yesterday. I loved you all the more for the deep cut I thought you had made. My love can weather storms and misunderstandings. My regret was and is that my reaction should hurt you. The scars left by loved ones never last. They heal as soon as they are made. If they did not, my love would suffer diminution. I hope therefore that on your part you will laugh at your folly and lack of faith or my stupidity in putting in your letter a meaning you had not intended. You must not make yourself sick over this passing episode. Of course you could not attend Aryanayakam’s meeting. But let us hope next year your programme will be better arranged. Of course I shall write to you about the doings of the Travancore delegation.”249
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “What you say about the Ataturk is all true. Why don’t you write a public letter about his removing the purdah? Agatha will be here probably till J. returns. She is doing well. We are discussing things in a leisurely manner. So M. leaves you on 19th. He is in ecstasies over your affectionate attention. The Travancore deputation is due now. Hence I must close this.”250 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Why do you say when Mahadev leaves you won’t have to write to me I suppose you mean so regularly? If you have the time I do want you to write regularly. I may fail to do likewise. But you have always permitted me that latitude. I hope you will have a kind of relaxation after his departure. Though it was a pleasure to you to have him with you it was undoubtedly a tax on your attention and energy. The Travancore deputation was finished today. They appeared to be good men. They have real difficulty in withdrawing the allegations. But they have not given me a conclusive answer. They will put the pros and cons before their W. C. and then come to a decision. How I wish you could have been present during the conversations. I gave them four hours. Ramachandran is still here.”251
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “In a few minutes Jawaharlal will be here. I seize them for these few lines. The doleful strain still runs through your letters. Long or short, your letters are welcome and they get read in spite of heavy work. Your note on Kemal I had to amend in parts. You will see the corrections which I know you won’t mind. Mira will be going on Wednesday to Bombay for her eyes and thence to the Frontier Province. I think it is better she goes there first.”252 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I had intended during the day to write to you but I could not. You must regain full control over your sleep. You must learn the art of producing a blank in the head at night. I understand what you say about Shummy. May everything turn out as it should? Did I tell you that the programme is to pass January in Bardoli? You are to come to Bardoli. The whole of December will be spent here. I had good talks with Jawaharlal on all sorts of topics. But I must not describe them. Most of my time is passed in giving interviews. Mahadev is not extra well. For the time being he stays here.”253
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I won’t be satisfied till you can report that you are getting good sleep without difficulty. This according to your instruction goes to Jullundur. Your letter to Barnabas is good but very hastily drafted. They may join the Congress in their thousands but why may they not have a separate organization of themselves to consider many questions that specially affect them. For social and religious uplift they need an organization. If they do not have it, they are likely to tire of the Congress for the Congress won’t contribute to their all-round uplift. I am therefore not dealing with it in Harijan. You should discuss this with me when you come.”254 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is for the sake merely of telling you that I have your letter and that all is well. Mahadev seems to be progressing. I wish you could say the same of you. Here is the Aundh party coming. Jairamdas has also come in. He is looking much better.”255 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I shall be ready to write to S. as soon as you free me from the restraint. The suspense should cease, if it is at all possible. Today is Harijan day. Your absence is most felt on Mondays. Of course you can do a lot if you could be here and kept fit. I understand about Narandas. I am sending him your note, which is sweet.”256
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is the first letter I take up at 3.30 a.m. I have your time-table. This is therefore being posted to Delhi. Mahadev is having better nights than in Simla showing that the improvement continues. Perhaps the intense cold of Simla might not have agreed with him. Here unlike as before, he is sleeping under the open sky. The weather is quite mild. For three or four days I slept on the verandah. S. has permitted me to come out. How long the permission will last, one does not know. Ever since Mira’s departure I have been silent between 7 p. m. to 2 p.m. the day following. Hence there are only speaking hours. It will be good if Shummy finally makes up his mind to go to Europe. The change is likely to do him good and you will be able without anxiety to be with me. But Mahadev will say, what about the dog? He has been describing with what care that precious member of the family is being looked after. I am just now engaged in hammering into shape the Aundh Constitution. The Raja Saheb’s son is a delightful boy.”257
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I hope, nevertheless, it reached you. Everything seems to be going well here. The pressure of interviews continues. Anand is having a week’s fast with a break on the 4th day with lemon and banana.”258 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You had prepared me for the absence. I hope you are having a profitable time in Lucknow. I shall expect to have full news about Sarup and J. L. Of the latter you will hardly see anything. I hope you won’t be tired out. I don’t write to S. before 10th. I am still keeping well and so is Mahadev. Balkoba is going to Nagpur for X-ray examination tomorrow.”259
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I am glad you had the talk with Pantji. The matter of corruption is becoming too serious to be neglected. I am going to discuss the whole thing at the forthcoming meeting.”260 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I hope you have received all my letters. J. L. and Maulana came in last night. We had 21/2 hours together only on the question of Presidentship. Subhas have arrived in the evening.”261 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have not been able to give you a line. Yes, I shall not part with the blanket designed for me. I do not know whether I am wearing the old or the new. I shall inquire and get the new. What shall I do with the old? Of course you will have a copy of the Aundh Constitution when it is ready. If K. has responsible government, why can’t you be its first Minister and shape its destiny at will? But we shall discuss when you come. I fear I must leave for Bardoli on 1st Jan. The W. C. meets there on 7th, so you should come via Ahmadabad. If you leave on 3rd, you will reach Bardoli on 6th. No time for more.”262
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I am just now managing things through deputies. I can’t cope with work otherwise. You are going to keep well in Bardoli. You having had one, naturally she also wants one. I hope you left Shummy in a good condition. I am glad you liked my letter.”263 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I am going through terrible rush. But I am keeping quite fit. I do not read Sharda’s letters. What was there disturbing? Do you say I sent you no message for Nagpur? It was wrung from me. And only you could have performed the trick. But having landed me in it, there was no getting out when the summons came from Tai. I can only call that you’re making. Your health causes me anxiety. The sooner you come to me the better.”264 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Contradictory is wholly inapplicable. I mean that there is nothing wrong in an ordinary man wanting God to punish the wrongdoer. Non-violence is a new thing. It would be wrong for a non-violent man to call down the wrath of God or man. But a non-violent man must not see anything wrong in a persecuted man retaliating and seeking the assistance of others. You should try to understand the argument.”265
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The journey up to now has been quite pleasant and uneventful. This is being written at Viramgam. You bore yourself bravely on parting. The same bravery must continue. It is strange that responsibility for the secretariat work should rest solely upon you so suddenly. You had not bargained for it. You will expect a wire from Rajkot either today or tomorrow.”266 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I needed it. The headache must go. Kallenbach went today. He was fretting. He well takes the steamer to Aden and thence to Durban. The house is empty. Here is a copy of letter from subhas.”267
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I am off to Rajkot. Mahadev will tell you all about it. Of course there is no Brindaban now. The Talimi Sangh will meet on 12th, 13th, and 14th. I can’t attend. I shall try to go to Subhas if I can from Rajkot. I am quite fit.”268 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “No end of difficulties in the midst of honeyed words. I am glad I sent for the Sardar. He being by my side I feel a kind of safety which I would not in his absence. He must know and endorse every step I may take. Here is copy of further correspondence with Subhas Chandra Bose. What is one to do? Resoluteness seems to be the only answer if one has faith in one’s judgement. Ramdurg is a pointer. No more civil disobedience till nonviolence has asserted itself. I hope you have got rid of your cough and headache. I am quite fit. Ba has sixth day of malaria. It is steadily decreasing. I am off to Gibson’s now. This is being finished in the Library.”269
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You won’t think I have neglected you. There was no time to do anything else. My latest note on Rajkot will give you slight idea of the torture I have gone through. And it is not yet over. I have a nasty cough which won’t leave me. I am keeping otherwise fit only by restricting myself to fruit juices. No milk. I am keeping my strength remarkably well. Have no anxiety. The cough does not interfere with my sleep. Ba is with me and so are Navin and Dhiru. They have made wonderful progress. Amtul Salaam was in Bombay. She is going to Ahmadabad. Don’t expect more from me. I am washed out. I expect you in Brindaban on 3rd May. The best route is for you to go to Patna, there cross the river and take the train at Sonepur for Bettiah.”270 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I hope you do not feel neglected. I have been sending you wires which you must have received. I have carefully gone through your notes of the interview with G. It is a good account. We must now allow things to run their course. You should not mind my being discredited or misunderstood. That is no novel experience for me. Since sending you the telegram I find that my route may be changed. And I see that you could get a direct train to Bettiah from Lucknow. It is worth considering. I may send you another wire. Sushila returns tonight. She must tell you all about my health.”271
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Of course I will give you the time you may need for explaining all you wish. But you must cease grieving. Weeping and brooding over injustices done to oneself be no virtue, it is definitely a vice. It is better cheerfully to submit to injustices than even unwittingly to do any injustice to anyone. I forgot to tell you that P. was better after my severe talking to him. Only boundless love can cure him of his malady. I lack it. I lose patience with him as with no one. Have I ever told you that somehow or other I never spoke to Chhotelal or Pyarelal without losing temper? The wonder to me is that Ch. never resented my explosions. He is gone. I feel responsible for his suicide. My harsh treatment of P. when I discovered his love for Y. must be held to be unforgivable. Had I treated him sympathetically things would have taken a different turn. As it was, I had practically banished him to Orissa. My ahimsa failed me. But neither Ch. nor P. ever complained. On the contrary they read love in every act of mine. If Mahadev has time he must tell you what I mean.”272
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is the fourth letter I am writing without the break of a day. I can’t feel happy till I have convinced you that we are all authors of our own misery. If we have imbibed the first principle of ahimsa we must learn to put up even with real injustices from dear ones and that without grief. We do nothing strange when we require felt love. But our love becomes potent when we rejoicing suffer felt injustice. This really resolves itself into what I started this letter with, that justice and injustice have no existence apart from our feeling. I want you therefore to imbibe this first lesson of ahimsa and assure me that there will be no more of weeping or harbouring secret and silent sorrow and grief. If you cannot learn this from me, you will learn nothing.”273
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Absence of wire from you had prepared me for your ‘No’. Though we were all expecting you last evening for certain and I had made all sorts of preparations for you, your letter makes it clear that you did well in not coming, not because I had no work for you but because your work there which is also mine is more important than what I had devised for you. It would be better for you to be with me in August when I expect to return from the Frontier. I am not going to Kashmir unless J. L. comes and takes me there. I wish you will cease to think that I misunderstand you. Whatever be the truth, you must be cheerful.”274 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Of course everything is forgiven you. The fact is I have not felt offended against you. My love burns as bright as ever. It is little worth if it cannot stand the heart pouring of loved ones. I simply gave you my reactions to your letters. You are as much wanted here as ever. You will find me not in the least altered or if altered, it will be for the better. I shall know how much more tender you are than I had believed you to be. Navin is in Bombay tending his sister. His address is care Dr. Shah, Polyclinic, Queen’s Road, Bombay.”275
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Not having been able to write to you for three days I have sent you a wire in Hindi which I hope you had no difficulty in understanding. Of course I shall try to soothe. But she is a most difficult person to please. But my effort continues after my own style. I have written to Sir Kailash. Copy of the letter Mahadev will send with this. I do hope you are more composed than before. Syed Mahmud and his children were in Segaon for three days. They went this evening.”276 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I wonder if I ever told you that you were to write to Sardar Datar Singh, your dairy friend, whether he is now prepared to receive Balvantsinha in his dairy near Lahore and give him the necessary training. You will remember that he said he would gladly take him as soon as he had put his branch dairy in Lahore in order. You will tell him all about Balvantsinha, that he has considerable practical experience of handling cattle but that he has no knowledge of English. He belongs to Khurja and hence his mother tongue is Hindi. He is now picking up Urdu. Lilavati went today to Bombay for her matriculation. She was wavering but I told her it was the best thing to do. Sharda has come in. I have no doubt that she is bearing. She is likely to be in Segaon for a few months. Shankaran is not over well. Mira seems to have become ill on the high altitude and is due in Birla House tomorrow. I am asking her to see me in Bombay. I hope you are well and that you had a good time at the educational meeting.”277
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Yes, a tyrant I am, but non-violent. My tyranny too arises from love. Therefore it only does well to the victim, does it not? I hope you had no difficulty in deciphering my wire. I purposely wrote the wire in Hindi to make it ununderstandable save by you. It was my first or second attempt to send my wire in Hindi. If it was tyranny, it was tyranny of love. The draft Muslim League resolution on Basic Education is revealing. If I succeed in going to the Frontier, you will join me at some station during my return journey and have the luxury of travelling third class with me on your line! I understand’s message.”278 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Gods confound those whom they want to destroy. It may be that their days are numbered. Only as believers in ahimsa we have to so act that we do not become directly or indirectly instruments of their destruction. You have asked me to pray for you not in the letter before me but in the previous ones. I am doing it daily. I do not want to find fault with your logic or, which is the same thing, your reason. But we shall talk to our hearts’ content when we meet, not even fearing explosions and storms. They clear the air. You must therefore reserve all your tears. Do not spend up all behind closed doors. I smiled to myself to read your reference to Hansa. You successfully hid your grief even from her as from everybody else. Shall I bestow one more title on you? Can you guess?”279
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “It is just 6 a. m. Amtul Salaam is as busy as ever doing nothing useful and wasting her time in preparing my breakfast. She is disconsolate because I can’t give her hours. She defies analysis. She baffles me. There is something wrong in my handling her. Mira is here silently watching everything. She is without occupation as she has not to go to the Frontier. I am now considering what use to make of her talents. Jawaharlal is quite convinced that I have put back the clock of progress by a century or thereabout by my Rajkot misdeeds. I am equally sure that I have rendered great service by my good deeds in Rajkot. We have not found an umpire. Therefore we are none the wiser for our assertions. He thinks I am impossible for an organization. He is right there. But I am helpless. Of course there is this thing possible. I can voluntarily retire from all activity. It may come but only by a call from God. I am praying. This news must not disturb you. I am as cheerful as ever. The differences do not worry me. I am drafting resolutions for the Committee and Jawaharlal is drafting a statement. There is no coolness between us. Perhaps we have come nearer for the discovery of the wide divergence of views.”280
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “They are either passed on to Mahadev or destroyed as soon as I have read them. I have advised you about Jawaharlal Nehru’s invitation. In my opinion the whole of his planning is a waste of effort. But he can’t be satisfied with anything that is not big. Here there is interruption and if I am to catch the post I must stop.”281 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have simply not been able to write to you as regularly as I had liked. Even the ‘Library’ claimed other work. You tell me you asked me a question about non-violence. I have forgotten all about it. Please repeat. I have assumed that Mahadev deals with the questions he can, for your letters are given to him as soon as I have done with them. If you permit me to retain them with the note at the top ‘Not to be read’ and trust that then they will not be, I would be better able to cope with your questions. I hope all the patients are better if not well and that your flu was a passing affair. I am writing to Datar Singh. I should have written earlier. But as you were protecting me, I did not hurry. You should have sent me copy of your letter to Jawaharlal. I do not like your repeating you are dead. You are not dead. You have to give me much work. Any time I might have to send you to Travancore or some such place. As it is you are doing khadi and Harijan work there. Your contribution to the Education Board is quite effective. And if you have better perception of things and do not feel any conscious injustice on my part, surely there is no occasion for this deadness! We are only four travelling—Mahadev, Bablo, Kanu and I. Pyarelal had a little throat operation which will detain him for three or four days. Ba won’t come without Sushila and the latter could not come leaving Pyarelal to his fate. They three will follow later if I find that my stay in Frontier Province will be prolonged. Nothing is certain about my movement. Ordinarily I should return to Segaon when you will join me. Nothing is certain about Talcher. The latest from the Viceroy means cutting off all contact with me. Mahadev should send you a copy of his letter and of my reply, if I draft it today. The question of my retirement has been exploded for the time being at any rate.”282
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I sent you a wire today as letter would have taken long. I hope you had my letter written on the way. I met Balvantsinha in Delhi. He will follow the instructions. Let us hope the experiment will be a success. Lilavati may not be. She is not happy in the place where she is boarding. She is not able to put up with any inconvenience. However, I have spoken to her and implored her not to give in without an effort. The weather here is ideal for us all. During the day a punka becomes necessary. I sit bare-bodied, nothing but a thin woolen blanket was needed during the night. I had a long letter from Haksar pressing me to go to Kashmir while he is there. I have not yet acknowledged it. I hope to, tomorrow. I shall send it to you when I have done with it. I hope you have got rid of your flu and that the other patients are also doing well.”283
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I hope you will give him your opinion of Hind Swaraj. The deadness must go. Eczema, laryngitis are your two enemies. You must drive them out. You have to be in Segaon, the moment I reach there. Both the maladies can be brought under control in Segaon. Nothing is certain about Talcher. I am hoping that I won’t have to go there. J. L.’s letter herewith. Haksar’s also. I am telling him I would try to go to Kashmir. His letter is good though difficult to understand. Nothing can be done by you about the viceregal letter. Things should be allowed to take their own course. I do not yet know when Ba will come. There is no reply to my wire. Mira has gone to Patna on Rajen Babu’s wire. She will be happy there. She has made several friends among Englishmen and Indians. It is a pity she could not hit it off with Khan Saheb and could not stand any altitude. However she might come back in October. I leave these parts by 5th August.”284
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “If your letter had not been received today, I would have wired. I was impatient to know the cause of the long silence long for you. I am glad Dalip is on the mend. You will have to come to Segaon to get strong. I hope from here my way will be to Segaon without a break. I do wish you will firmly cancel Sangli no matter how insistent Tai is. You must tell her you are under treatment which must not be interrupted. You must give the doctor a chance. Yes, you may go to Jaipur on your way to Segaon. That may be considered when my movement is fixed. Except Talcher there is nothing on the horizon to keep me from Segaon. We wish systems to die, not their authors or victims. We must hope whilst there is life. If I suddenly lost my head, you won’t wish for me to die but you will pray that I may regain my sanity and live. Does this answer your question? Recall what I said about Dyer. The information you give me about the States and Travancore is interesting and instructive. I sent you yesterday Balvantsinha’s letter. I have heard again from the Sardar Bahadur in reply to my own letter. He says the very fact of my sending Balvantsinha would be sufficient charge for his board and lodging. Is this Punjabi courtesy or Sikh courtesy or personal to him? This was in reply to my offer of payment. Ba and company are due tomorrow. Ba was impatient to come. She was detained only because I would not bring out Sushila, leaving Pyarelal alone. And Ba could not be brought along without Sushila. I could not attend to her personally and she does need medical adjustment every now and then and she has taken to Sushila. Ba is not bringing Kanam this time. He will be left with his maternal uncle. Nirmala is likely to go to Wardha soon. In that case of course Kanam will join here.”285
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Yes, your Hindi is very good. The letters are perfectly formed. Why don’t you continue? If you don’t care to write wholly in Hindi, do it half and half. The reply from Sir Mirza is an utter disappointment. However we must continue to appeal to the best in him. There is no doubt that the State Congress people have not behaved well with the Dewan. The other letter is characteristic. I have not yet studied Sir Sikander Hyat Khan’s scheme. No time left after dealing with the day’s work. I shall have to make time.”286 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Of course you can come to Kashmir as Sir Kailash’s guest as I should also be his guest. Therefore you will naturally stay with me. The incongruity will be in my carting you from place to place. From your remembering the word I see that you do not see eye to eye with me in this matter. I have heard today from Sir Kailash. I enclose his letter here with. You will see he mentions your name. We leave here on 25th for Kashmir for a week’s stay at the outside. You will pick us up somewhere on the route, I suppose, unless you go there in advance and receive the party. I am wiring to Sir Kailash just now. I do hope you will cancel Sangli. Yes, we are Mrs. Parmanand guests or fellow-inmates. I do not want you to mention Balvantsinha’s experiences to Datar Singh because it would be wrong to do so. I am sure things have righted themselves by now. It would be ungrateful to mention such things. I would not even have thought of the thing. Probably he has not even seen the house in which he was put.”287
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Your Hindi continues to be good. I await your further letter about Dhami. How I wish you could find out the truth about this affair! It is bad in every way. I am sorry to have to tell you that I had to withdraw acceptance of state hospitality in Kashmir. The people won’t tolerate any such thing. This is unfortunate. But I did not want to create bitterness. I therefore yielded. So I shall be the people’s guest, whatever that may mean. Your programme need not suffer any alteration. You will be Haksar’s guest though you will stay with me. Only I would like you to precede me if only by a day. That affair must occupy the first place with you. Nirmala Kanam’s mother comes here today to fetch Kanam. Here is another letter from Balvantsinha. So you will see he is getting on. I am glad Sardar saheb has taken everything in good part. You will send the letter as before to Segaon with instructions to pass on to Kishorelal and Surendra. The weather continues to be hot although we had a good shower.”288
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I don’t like this persistent sadness about you. It is so inconsistent with faith in God, faith in human nature, faith in unbreakable friendship. The sadness will go in time. The visit to Kashmir stands cancelled. I am not sorry. I hope to leave here on 26th for Wardha. The Working Committee will meet there. Hence I am likely to be a fixture in Segaon for some time at least, I hope till the Congress time. Will you join the party or join me in August early? Dhami is a bad thing. I hope you will reach the truth. Why not see the Rana yourself? Study and pursue this case to the end. I am writing on it. You will have a typed copy.”289 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I was immersed in Harijan work. The heap of correspondence still lies before me. We had and exacting journey crowds unusual everywhere. There was no rest till reaching Gwalior, i.e., 2 a. m. I have not got at the bottom of this sudden manifestation. Mahadev is still in Calcutta. Mira I knew that she was to return but did not know when. The place is filling up. Aryasamajists occupy much of my attention. We are all keeping well. Mira has a bad cough and constipation.” 290
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have not had a moment for writing to you. I gave you a wire about Dhami. Jawaharlal is already on the war path. Of course, you will bring the cooker and everything else you may need. You are going to take your meals with me as before. The delay is unfortunate. It is not only the work for which you are coming. However don’t delay any longer.”291 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This is just to send you love. We had a boisterous journey— crowds throughout. The Gwalior crowd was the worst. I was calm. I had to take care of my silence. You must not overstrain yourself. I have gone through most of the letters in the file. Majid must have come. I trust the other files are being looked into. The mail received up to Monday, i. e., of two days, could have been dispatched.”292
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I missed you last night. But I was glad to learn that you had gone to fulfil your mission. You will keep your health in proper order and condition. I found the papers in extraordinarily good condition. You will leave there on 11th instant and report yourself in Segaon on 13th. Of course a car will await you at the station.”293 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “It is never too late to learn. No one is too old to learn. It is your laziness which makes you say you may be too old to learn. And it is your pride which feels wounded to be corrected. No one will drive you out of Segaon. You alone can perform that trick, i. e., of driving yourself out. And idiocy is no bar to people living in Segaon. I thought you had penetration enough to see that this was an asylum for the insane, the infirm, the abnormal and the like.”294
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Your wire is disturbing. May God keep you? I hope you will not have to go through a strenuous programme. I shall expect a wire tomorrow though it is Sunday.”295 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You have been true to your word. Though your telegrams have made bad reading they have consoled me, being so full and accurate. I hope that in spite of all the trouble, you will come well out of your illness and reach Simla in a fairly fit condition. I must have wires while you are ailing.”296 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You have been very regular in sending me wires. Yesterday I sent mine before yours came into my hands. Thank God for the ending of the Dehra Dun programme. You must now have complete rest. I hope you will have no worry in Simla. I am well. The strain of work is there. B. P. 180/106 and 160/100. Radha and Lilavati went today, so did Homi.”297
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Your wire from Simla has disturbed me. I have a guilty conscience. Why did I promise to send you to Doon? But there am I. It is my nature to exploit co-workers to the fullest extent possible. But I should have known your weak body. But I shall have to spare you for the sake of the cause. I am sending you a wire. You must now become strong. You can be, if only you will make up your mind to be strong. You have to get rid of your moods and sensitiveness. It is no use you’re saying you cannot change your nature. We are on this earth to bend our natures to the Higher Will.”298 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Here we are for five hours waiting for the train. Rajaji and Jairamdas are with us. I had your wire from Simla. You have been extraordinarily good. I hope the progress will be steady. You must not worry about anything and concentrate on getting quite well and strong. I expect to leave Allahabad for Segaon on Tuesday but it may not be possible to do so. In that case I leave on Wednesday. My mind is in Segaon especially since the coming of Parachure Shastri. He is God’s gift. But it is also a medium of my examination.”299
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I am putting the best construction possible, i. e., the post has been misdirected or sent too late and all is well. All’s well here. The patients are keeping fairly well. I have some time today to overtake postal arrears.”300 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Today again I have two letters from you. This letter (at the back) with the appeal of which you have sent me copy from Hindustan Times, came to your address today by book post. Your note I have kept. I shall see whether it should go in. I have kept your note on education. I have not yet read it. If it is good enough it will go in some day. You have to be patient with me. As to Nayakam and Asha we have to bear with one another. Mahadev has not yet returned. He should, tomorrow. He did extraordinarily well in Bombay collected more than Rs. 15, 0006. The purse amounted to one lac seventeen thousand.”301
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “This morning’s exhibition was unforgettable. But all’s well that ends will. I can best describe myself as a parent who exacts complete obedience. I may distrust all or many of my children. I may give erroneous judgments. But they may not distrust me. They may not doubt the correctness of my judgments. They should be incapable of seeing my faults. That others see them is a matter of no moment. Such surrender is almost impossible. But it must be possible for those who adopt me as their parent, both mother and father, as you have done. I have been the recipient of such obedience and faith. You can’t give it mechanically but I can do nothing of you or with you unless you have the required faith.”302 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I hope you got my letter of yesterday. I cannot accept your position. It is contradictory. Of course it is for you to surrender partly or wholly. It is not a mechanical act. So long as your mind does not endorse what I say or do, if only for the sake of honesty, you must at least warn me. My point is that full surrender excludes possibility of mind doubting the correctness of the parent’s judgment. But why argue about such things? They are beyond argument.”303
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have your two notes one through M. I am glad you have come so much nearer J. then you have been. His buoyancy is infectious. But you have not caught the infection, nor has my talk gone home. If it had you won’t be down in the dumps. However, may God do what man has failed to do? Of course they needed your presence. It is good you stayed at A.B. I do not mind your defeat. Let them sell khadi.”304 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “My hand was not badly hurt. The slightest hurt to a Mahatma must be duly magnified. The embargo that was prompted by the voice within has justified itself as I can see. You took it extraordinarily well and it was a great relief to me. I hope you are keeping well and the whole family is acting like a family. I want you to interest yourself in every detail without obtrusion. The interest must be after the Sir Gibbie style. Let not thy right hand knows what the left doeth.” 305
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Though we have hostile slogans, on the whole, things have gone smooth. One never knows when they may grow worse. The atmosphere is undoubtedly bad. The weather is superb. I am keeping excellent and have regular hours. The b.p. is under control. Radical changes have been made in the working and composition of the Sangh. This you will have already seen. We are leaving here on Sunday and leaving Calcutta on Tuesday for Patna. Your reports about the family there are encouraging. Poonam Chand Ranka told me he was going to correspond directly with Balkrishna about Chindwara. Evidently he has done nothing. This is unfortunate.”306 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have not been quite as forgetful of you as you think. I wrote a letter at Santiniketan which Pyarelal forgot to post till we reached Malikanda! I wrote another at Malikanda. But I have wanted to write every day. The thing has been impossible. Mira has been writing. She is better. P. is still on the brain. Her address is care Pandit Jagat Ram, Haryana. She has been moving about under his directions. Charlie is better. I have not seen him yet. I shall tomorrow. Ba is laid up.”307
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You may translate at leisure. Sushila translated the questions well and quickly. The Ajmer one was not ready. She will translate it tomorrow. But you should religiously translate them. If you two can get used to the work the whole of Harijan Sevak can be done here and I should be free from anxiety. After all Anand had no smallpox. It was rash after the vaccination. He has fever and cough.”308 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I am glad you have a warm welcome. I had not a shadow of a doubt about it. You must now put on weight. The Times of India’s thought for the day runs: Your disappointment will be removed not by change of surroundings but by change of outlook of heart. I have been sending your post and writings. There are two letters to day. I could have sent them yesterday but not without a strain. The translations have gone from here. All well including Anand. Lalita Kumari is coming after all.”309
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Dr. Risti and her friend can easily stay in the Circuit House. Ghanshyamdas and Jamnalalji are here. Over head and ears are in work. Sharda’s Anand was not smallpox. Many were willing to be vaccinated. Ba, Durga and other women said no. But the storm has blown over. In the village too, it has subsided. Lilavati had a scorpion sting and so had Amtul Salaam.”310 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Your two important letters were torn as soon as they were read. Therefore I have to trust my memory for what I am to write. But since you insist on all this, I have to submit. The articles I could send earlier but I became indifferent as Sushila could effectively and quickly translate the articles. Yours could never reach Delhi the same week. I have told you I might get the translation here. You are still to translate for practice, so that when you return, you will bring greater ability and dispatch for the translation work. You have therefore to translate the articles with the same care that you would give if they were to be sent to the press. You should then send them to me for examination. You should not read Sushila’s translation till you have done yours. Sir M. disappoints me. His letter is curious. But you are right in saying that we have to cultivate even such people. We have to convert the die-hards. I cannot say I miss you. I am daily getting more and more detached. I seem to miss nobody and nothing. I have no time to think of these things. The burden I carry occupies the whole of my time. The is not to say that I would not like your return or that there is no work for you. There is work and there is no work. That has been life from the beginning. But it is much more so now than ever. There is an inner longing for loneliness. If Harijan was stopped today, I should not feel the deprivation. And yet the place is growing. There is no smallpox now. Lalita Kumari came in today. She has two servants. She is with me. Ramnarayan’s letter is disappointing. You need not write to him any more. I shall write when I can. Your letter to Narsingarh is good. It is being sent. The war is taking an ugly turn. Let us see what happens. Somehow or other I do not feel the same way as you do. I do not want to see the Allies defeated. But I do not consider Hitler to be as bad as he is depicted. He is showing an ability that is amazing and he seems to be gaining his victories without much bloodshed. Englishmen are showing the strength that Empire builders must have. I expect them to rise much higher than they seem to be doing. But I must stop now. If I have omitted any of your questions you must remind me. Hot here. But I am keeping well.”311
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Your corrections are quite good. They should have occurred to every one of us, but there you are. Here is some letter for you. I shall examine your translations and return to you. Have you commenced the exam nation already? Lalita Kumari is down with headache.”312 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “In spite of all effort I have failed to write before now. Reason: want of time. You said there was a letter for Kanu. It never came. The account of yarn was received only yesterday. I have made use of your question. I can’t compliment you on it. There is no logic in it. I have let you down gently. The weather has changed for the better since yesterday. I sent you some letters Lalita Kumari still here; she keeps none too well but gives no trouble. Her servants look after her. I had put her with me but she passes her time in Ba’s room and is happy.”313
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have your translations. I must make time to read them. V. Hari says he does not want any now. All the same you must practice them. One never knows when the need will arise. Your corrections must be in ink for my eyes sake not mine! This week’s articles will go in today I hope. I have not got them from Kanu yet. No time for more just now. Nanabhai Bhatt has come in. I am silent indefinitely from 7.30 a.m. today.”314 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I told you Mira had gone to Bundla. I have an enthusiastic account from her. Lalita Kimari is braving the heat quite cheerfully. She is quite happy being here. Lilavati has no plans. Amtul Salam does not want to be happy. She thinks everybody is at her. Valjibhai’s address is Harijan ashram, Sabarmati. Surely I have been writing to you fairly regularly, why should you feel depressed? The Allies seem to be losing ground everywhere. These are the fortunes of war. You must not grieve over these things. The slaughter is awful but it is part of the game. All parties know what is what. If it is the personal element that depresses you, it is worse than childishness. Let us forget ourselves in this dance of death. And then you have your day’s work for you.”315
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “To my horror Amtul Salaam told me the enclosed was forgotten. So you will be without my letter again for four days. I am sorry. She is sick and a bundle of nerves. You have to suffer for your own obstinacy or stupidity or both. I have your two lettersone almost all in Hindi. It is good. The copies of my articles now cannot he sent before Thursday. For that is the day on which the articles can be sent with safety. The office copy should be here till the others reach their destination. And it is the office copy that is being now sent to you. Your letter of today brings me an Englishman’s difficulty. I might deal with it next week. But the arrogance and ignorance of such men are marvellous. They don’t want to do simple justice and yet expect sympathy. But our non-violence has full play only when the irritation is at its highest.”316 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “By book-post I send you this week’s articles and three of your translations revised. The articles are going late because of me. I was in no hurry. In the revision you will see one or two howlers. You have made distinct progress. You have not yet got control over the pen. You must religiously do the translation though they are not for the present wanted for publication. You should also read the current translations in Harijan Sevak and make notes for my information. Lalita Kumari went on 30th. She is an extraordinary woman. I liked her well. She bore the heat bravely. She went and Sarla Devi Chowdharani came. I suppose she will be here for a day or two longer. I do not know her movements. This war is going to alter things radically, at least I hope so. I simply refuse to think about it. It is a war of scientific abilities. German science is winning the day. You asked Kanu to send you copy of R.’s letter. He never got the letter. But I do not want to send you copy. It must not leave the Ashram. It is well like this; of course there is nothing striking in the letter. You appreciate the reason, don’t you? You will see all on your return.”317
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Shall I also write in Hindi? Put up with at least a little. I had intended, as I still do, to write a long letter, but it cannot be managed. One business after another keeps turning up and such letters have to remain unwritten. It is my intention to give you some satisfaction on the points raised by you but I could not do. I have just (4 p.m.) finished the last article for Harijan and I have taken up this to inform you of my helplessness. Poor Lilavati She had a scorpion sting last night and again this morning. Fortunately, the pain each time was quite bearable, she is up and doing. So the Sevagram charkha goes on.”318 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have made a beginning at revising it. I am sorry I was late sending you the articles last time. It was wholly my fault. I hope you got the book-post which contains the articles and my revision of some translation. There was an outpouring sic last night. The weather is decidedly much less hot than yesterday. You can descend after 15th so far as the heat is concerned.”319
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Although the address was correctly written, the first letter went to Segaon Remarkable how the mistake continues. I suppose we must put up with it. I am sending the envelope for complaint. Your Gujarati is flawless. It shows how you have picked up from the air. It is easy of course for those who know the Punjabi. Yes, I have commenced you translation of “Our Duty” and some other too. I shall insist on finishing all. You must not damage your hand or arm. You should learn to draw the thread with the right hand like me by the by your watch does not work in my hands. After two days I gave up winding it. I am glad you have patched up the internal quarrel. But how long will patches last? You ask me why silence. It is to avoid irritation and save my energy. The output of my work has certainly doubled. Irritation is almost nil. It would be a strain now to speak. I love my silence. I expect M. is giving you all such tidbits and A. S.”320
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “After many days there is a post for you. Here it is. Lilavati has passed her examination. She is delirious with joy. Probably she goes to Bombay today to arrange for her college course. Valjibhai’s son Manu comes first and has gained prizes. He is a wonderful boy. The heat is melting.”321 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The weather has taken a sudden turn for the better. Quite stupidly I forgot to send you the articles yesterday. I don’t send them today. They will be useless. You will have your Harijan. Herewith letter from Bapa. Of course you will accept his proposal. Some corrected translations are going by book post. You will be interested to know that they took me 11/2 hours. There is as much work left to clear the balance. I finished the arrears of correspondence yesterday. Silence has done the trick. I don’t feel like speaking at all. I had to last night for Tandonji. As soon as he went, I lapsed into silence again.”322
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The letter at the back of whose cover you forgot to give your name, etc., was censored and received a day late. C. P. never came, never wrote. At last Ramachandran went yesterday. Harijan Sevak translations are bad. I am writing to Viyogi Hari. Your Gujarati is better. You are not doing the right thing in not giving yourself rest during the day.”323 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You may not cable Amery. Let things shape themselves. Shivaroa need not worry. Read my “Appeal to Every Briton” and do lobbying among the Britons. Don’t expect letters from me now. You should write. I shall see that someone writes to you. I must reserve writing for papers.”324 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have your two packets. You will not worry if I can’t send you many letters. I appreciate the love behind the wish that your translation should be revised by me. I have promised that I shall do so. I shall try. If I can train you and S. to does that work I should be at ease about Harijan Sevak. In the altered circumstances created by me I must write for Harijan also. I refer to my “Appeal to Every Briton”. Khurshed is here. She is quite well and quite cheerful. She is going for a few days to Bombay and will return to the Frontier on 15th. Rogers is still here meditating on what he can do about the Appeal. You should do the lobbying among your English friends.”325
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Your article will be published. It is good. I shall read the translation. I am reading the translations of other articles. The work here will probably be completed today. It is very hot here. I am keeping good health.”326 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Wired today to say you can join the States Conference Executive. In fact I had a hand in your nomination. The matter was referred to me. And I approved. I forgot to tell you about it. Even when I write in Gujarati, it is Hindi has to go. And now that I wrote that Appeal something will appear in English.”327
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 14, 2012 at 11:48am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 14, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 9, 2012 at 10:16pm. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 11, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 5, 2011 at 6:51am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 9, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 5, 2011 at 6:46am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 15, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Oct 10, 2011 at 5:30pm. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 31, 2011.
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