Just a premature thought that haunting in my mind, about the class struggle. As you may know that I'm currently reading Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, through author's narrative about the US history from the perspective of Native Indians, black slaves instead of European settlers, white indenture servants instead of rich plantationers, ordinary citizens instead of politician superstars, factory workers instead of business tycons, I gained a new insight in interpreting history, and it's give me inspiration to look China's history from a different dimension.
The question here is, how this class struggle still legitemate as the explanation for what happened and what is happening? Workers struggle for shorter working hours and better working condition and so on and so forth was great. But as the whole country moves forward, then back-breaking blue collar jobs moved to other parts of the world, so the class struggle migitated or even disappeared cuz americans no longer have blue collar jobs, or just like Phil Knight said "Americans won't take blue collar works". Then the class struggle that used to be internal within the nation become the struggle of the chinese or other third world blue-collar workers against American manufacturers and consumers.
How that would justify the Democracy that achieved for the americans is at the cost of the chinese cheap-labors, of the collaboration between the american business and local authoritorian regime?
I understand many of you are not americans, but you input here is highly appreciated.
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