For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment
Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav
Gandhian Scholar
Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Contact No. – 09404955338
Messages of Mahatma Gandhi; Part-11
Mahatma Gandhi a different man. He met a lot of persons daily. He had a lot of work and their concerning people. He gave a message everybody time to time. Those messages had a lot of meaning. The person who had gotten it, change his life according to it. Those messages may be useful today. We can solve many problems by help of them.
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Vallabhbhai Patel; “You must not be perturbed over my decision. It was taken purely in answer to the voice of God. But reason too dictated no other course. I would not like you to mention this thing to anybody. If Durbar Virawala allows the Thakore Saheb to accept my proposal, let the Thakore Saheb have the full credit for it. You may not leave your post. It should suffice for you that I am here to shoulder the burden of the Rajkot issue. I would have liked even to save all telephonic charges in this crisis. But knowing your temperament as I do, I would not stint telephonic communications, if there are any developments to report.”291
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to people of Jaipur; “I am told the people of Jaipur have maintained peace during the Satyagraha. Let everyone remember that the individual or groups that fully observe truth and ahimsa in the pursuance of their aim are ever victorious.”292 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Egypt; “I have nothing new. I would repeat what I said in my telegram to you on your arrival that there must be a real bond of friendship between India and Egypt. It is not a mere courteous wish. It is a wish from the heart. There is such a lot which is common between the cultures of the two countries. Besides, India has such a big Muslim population. Friendship between India and Egypt should help to solve many of our domestic troubles.”293 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message for National Week; “ The best way to celebrate the National week is for everyone to manufacture or buy as much khadi as possible and thus help the needy and famine-stricken millions, whether Hindu or Muslim. Remember that genuine khadi can only be had from stores certified by the A. I. S. A.”294
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message; “I observe that Senapati Bapat is reported to have said that I approved of his plan of drowning himself because India had not attained swaraj within the time stipulated or expected by him. When I saw the report I gave no credence to it. But I am overwhelmed by correspondents asking me whether I was consenting party and, If I was, on what grounds. I must say that I have no recollection whatsoever of having approved of the contemplated step. I do remember his having discussed the proposal among many other things. But I cannot conceive of my consenting to anybody drowning himself for the sake of winning swaraj. If I have any influence over Senapati Bapat I would urge him not to take the fatal step, assuming that he is correctly reported. I would urge him and his disciples to live for swaraj and embrace death when it comes to them naturally and in due course.”295 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Indian Merchants’ Chamber; “May the new habitation of the Indian Merchants’ Chamber prove a blessing to the whole of India. I have many pleasant recollections of Lalji Naranji. I am glad his memory is being honoured.”296
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Indian in South Africa; “It has been a matter of grief to me that the Union Government have not respected their own agreement regarding their treatment of British Indians. There has been a policy of progressive stringency in their anti-Asiatic drive. One had hoped that what is known as the Smuts-Gandhi Agreement of 1914 was the last word in this matter. It was also hoped that with virtual restriction of Indian immigration, there would be progressive amelioration in the condition of domiciled Indians. But that hope was dashed to pieces. Much deterioration has taken place since. There have been Round Table and other conferences, agreements have been reached, but never has any finality been felt by the Indians. Evidently the Union Government would not be happy till they have either driven away Indians whom they have given legislative protection or reduced their status to such an extent that no self-respecting Indian would care to remain in South Africa. I have therefore not discount-enanced their reported decision to fight this latest menace of segregation through civil resistance, if necessary.
There must be perfect cohesion and union among the Indians who are divided into groups. And their resistance will be vain if they are not resolute in self-suffering. Public opinion in India including that of Europeans will, I hope, back the Indians in their unequal fight and call upon the Indian Government to exert its influence with the Union Government. Lastly, I appeal to the best mind of South Africa to see that simple justice is not denied to the Indian settlers who have done no wrong to the country of their adoption.”297
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Nawanagar State People’s; “If you cannot do anything else, at least wear pure khadi and identify yourselves with the poor.”298 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Rameshwari Nehru; “Congratulations on the opening of the Meenakshi Temple for Harijans.2 Hope you are well.”299 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Bombay Government Prohibition Board; “I hope that good sense for which Bombay is famous will ultimately prevail and all will combine to make the brave reform under taken by the Bombay Ministry the success it deserves to be. I am quite sure that the removal of the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs will confer lasting benefit on the country.”300
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message on Inauguration of Basic Education; “The decision to open 1,700 schools for the new system of education is a great undertaking. I hope this will be successful in every respect. My congratulations on this bold step.”301 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Depressed Classes Conference; “I received the invitation to attend the Conference. I wish it all success.”302 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to The Poles; “To all those in Poland who believe that only truth and love can be foundations of better days for humanit and who are doing their best to serve those ideals with their life I send my good wishes and blessing.”303 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to British People; “It will be a very serious tragedy in this tragic war if Britain is found to fail in the very first test of sincerity of her professions about democracy. Do those declarations, or do they not, include the full freedom of India according to the wishes of her people? This is a very simple and elementary question asked by the Congress. The Congress has the right to ask that question. I hope that the answer will be as it is expected by the Congress and, let me say, all those who wish well by Great Britain.”304
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Poona Basic Education; “I hope that the Poona Educational Conference will, in all it does, keep steadily in view the newness of the Nai Talim, rendered in English as Basic Education. Just as we may neither reduce nor increase ingredients in a chemical experiment, so also we may not add to or discard anything from the essentials of the Wardha Scheme. The newness of this scheme is that education is to be given through a village craft. The end in view is not to be accomplished by merely adding a village craft to the current syllabus.”305 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message for Thakkar Bapa Birthday Celebration; “I should have been present at the seventieth birthday celebration of Thakkar Bapa, but I am physically unfit for such functions. It is my heartfelt hope that he may live a hundred years. Bapa was born only to serve the downtrodden, whether they be untouchables or Bhils, Santhals or Khasis. Even the appreciation of his service means some little service of these downtrodden. His services have carried India considerably forward towards the goal.”306
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to All-India Urdu Conference; “Every Hindu well-wisher of the country should learn Urdu and every Muslim well-wisher Hindi.”307 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Khadir Katha; “Khadir Katha must not be a mere magazine, an addition to the unwanted monthly publications. It should be a true record of khadi work from month to month. It should investigate causes of decline if there is any. And it should bring together all the khadi workers. If they cannot work as one mind, universal use of the charkha must remain an empty dream.”308 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Hriday Nath Kunzru; “I loved Venkatasubbiah. His death is a great loss to the country. To meet him was to love him. I have not know a more unassuming man than him. Will you please convey my deep sympathy to his people?”309
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to All-India Women’s Conference; “I have already pointed out the royal road to swaraj to my sisters where they can go ahead of their brothers. By traversing this road, they can achieve fulfilment.”310 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Mill Workers; “Bhai Gulzarilal1 has explained the position to me. Your demand seems just to me. If you fail to get justice either through the arbitrator or in any other way, we have no choice but to resort to a strike. That weapon must be used only after careful thinking. If we don’t have the strength, we need not be ashamed of putting up with the injustice. But if we once use this weapon we must not yield till we have secured justice. I have shown [the workers] long ago the best means of doing it.
Every one of you must learn some other occupation so that you can tide over the period of unemployment. I have put before you the work of spinning, weaving, etc., which everybody can take up. I have no objection if you find out some other occupation. Moreover, those among you with better means should help the weaker ones. Only thus can you be fearless. Even if you escape the necessity of a strike this time, start acting upon my suggestion.”311
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Shantiniketan; “All Santiniketan knows or should know what relationship subsisted between Boro Dada1 and me. It was a deeply spiritual bond. Death has not dissolved it. It should therefore be taken for granted that I shall be with you all in spirit at the forthcoming function.”312 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to People of Manipur; “Gandhiji sympathized with the plight of the people of Manipur, and expressed the opinion that they were justified in agitating for amelioration of their grievances. Gandhiji, however, wanted them to realize his inability to render them any help except his moral support, and advised them to keep absolutely peaceful and nonviolent in their agitation.”313 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Bengal; “I give brilliant good wishes to Bengal from the bottom of my heart, because I consider myself as good a Bengali as I am a Gujarati.”314
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message; “ It should be a matter of shame for us as long as all men and women cannot read and write well.”315 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to N.W.F.P. Delegation; “My message has been already given, and I have none new to give you. All I will say is that now that you have actively taken up this great mission, you will not cease from your effort until Hindu-Muslim unity is achieved. I would ask you to forget that you have any quarrel with the Muslim League people. Your object differs from theirs, but they also are our brothers and you cannot convert them unless you treat them as such and refrain from all personal attacks. You have to carry conviction to them, for unless you or we can win them over there is no Hindu-Muslim unity. I wish you godspeed.”316
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Mill-Hands; “What need I tell the workers by way of recommending khadi to them? If they have still not understood that for them khadi is the strength of the weak, a source of sustenance during strikes and the best means of preserving their self-respect, what more is there for me to say? Then it is a sad thing.”317 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Cow-Protection Meeting; “What message need I send to a meeting which will be presided over by Sardar? However, since I have been asked, I am sending one. I look upon myself as a good servant of the cow. So their donation will be put to good use. But they should ask themselves whom the 71 cows received in donation will feed if they themselves do not drink cow’s milk and eat cow’s ghee.”318
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Miraj Khadi Exhibition; “There are many aspects of khadi; amongst them the spiritual one I hold uppermost and the economic one next. For their fulfillment, all can extend their help; nay, they ought to. In fact, it is the Princes who ought to come forward first of all. It is to their good that Princes are also partaking in the Miraj Exhibition. I hope the exhibition will be a success.”319 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Students; “I have received several letters from students in Madras and the United Provinces regarding their demonstration over Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s arrest and imprisonment, and the threatened reprisals by the Governments concerned. The students now desire to have a strike of protest and ask for my advice. When the whole world hangs its head in shame over the imprisonment of one of India’s noblest and bravest sons, it is no wonder that the student world in India is shaken to its roots. Whilst, therefore, my sympathy is wholly with them, I must adhere to the view that the students were wrong in their walk-out as a mark of their resentment over Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s imprisonment. The Governments of the provinces are more than wrong in their threats of reprisals. The students will, however, do well not to resort to the contemplated strike of protest. If they desire my advice, they should send an authorized representative who is in full possession of the facts, of which I have but a very superficial knowledge. I shall gladly give my guidance for what it may be worth. They know how much I would value their whole- hearted co-operation in the struggle I am endeavouring to lead. In any case they will spoil their own and damage the national cause by ill-conceived and hasty action.”320
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Bengal Congressmen; “I expect great things from Bengal. My expectations can only be realized if all parties sink their differences and work for the common cause.”321 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Ahmadabad Mill-Hand; “Ever since I came in contact with you, I have tried to impress upon you that your liberation lies in your own hands. The value of labour is far greater than its price in money. You can enhance or reduce your price as you desire. But if you are satisfied with its cash value, you put your own limitation upon your worth.”322 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Khadi Exhibition; “I earnestly hope that the Khadi Exhibition will prove a great success and that the citizens of Bombay will give a befitting response to it. For the success of the present satyagraha movement, it is essential for the general public to patronize khadi.”323
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to All-India Women Conference; “I have already pointed out the royal road to swaraj to my sisters where they can go ahead of their brothers. By traversing this road they can achieve fulfilment.”324
291.Harijan, 25-3-1939
292.Gandhiji aur Rajasthan, p. 76
293.Harijan, 27-5-1939
294.The Bombay Chronicle, 6-4-1939
295.A MESSAGE; On or After May 9, 1939
296.The Hindu, 20-5-1939.
297.Harijan, 27-5-1939
299.The Hindu, 11-7-1939
300.The Bombay Chronicle, 31-7-1939.
301.The Hindu, 7-8-1939
302.The Hindu, 24-8-1939
303.The Bombay Chronicle, 31-8-1939
304.The Hindu, 4-10-1939
305.Harijan, 4-11-1939
306.Harijan, 2-12-1939
307.The Bombay Chronicle, 1-1-1940
309.The Hindu, 15-1-1940
310.The Hindu, 28-1-1940
311.MESSAGE TO MILL-WORKERS; February 7, 1940
312.MESSAGE TO SANTINIKETAN; February 18, 1940
313.The Bombay Chronicle, 29-2-1940
314.Amrita Bazar Patrika, 28-2-1940
315.A MESSAGE; March 30, 1940
316.Harijan, 25-5-1940
317.MESSAGE TO MILL-HANDS; September 15, 1940
319.The Hindu, 29-9-1940
320.The Hindustan Times, 15-11-1940
321.The Hitavada, 29-11-1940
322.The Hindu, 5-12-1940
323.The Hindu, 23-12-1940
324.MESSAGE TO ALL-INDIA WOMEN’S CONFERENCE; On or before December 27, 1940
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 14, 2012 at 11:48am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 14, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 9, 2012 at 10:16pm. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 11, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 5, 2011 at 6:51am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 9, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 5, 2011 at 6:46am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 15, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Oct 10, 2011 at 5:30pm. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 31, 2011.
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