For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment
Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav
Gandhian Scholar
Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Contact No. – 09404955338
Messages of Mahatma Gandhi; Part- 6
Mahatma Gandhi a different man. He met a lot of persons daily. He had a lot of work and their concerning people. He gave a message everybody time to time. Those messages had a lot of meaning. The person who had gotten it, change his life according to it. Those messages may be useful today. We can solve many problems by help of them. Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Christian Indians; “If Christian Indians will not cease to be Indians because they are Christians, they will identify themselves with all national movements and with the starving millions by listening to the message of the spinning-wheel.”151 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to third gathering of Graduates; “The old and the new graduates of the Vidyapith should think and decide what they are going to contribute to the yajna of swaraj at this critical juncture.”152
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Majur sandwsh, Ahmadabad; “The labourers should fully try for their rights, but in that they must observe courtesy and peace. The labourers have a right to go on strike if the arbitrators do not give their award or if the owners do not go to the arbitrators or if the owners do not act according to the decisions of the arbitrators. They must not lose patience under any circumstances after going on strike. They must not intimidate those who do not join the strike. So far as the strike in the Gujarat Ginning Mill is concerned, they have to do as they are directed by Shrimati Anasuyabehn, Mr. Shankerlal Banker and the labour union secretaries.”153 Mahatma Gandhi gave a farewell message to Martban; “Money gifts are hardly ever a sure indication of love. In fact in our epics we have the story often told of God refusing the richest presents from those having great possessions, and preferring to eat the coarse morsel lovingly given by a devotee. But it is my great misfortune that I have to measure your love by the money gifts you give for Daridranaryana. It is hardly fair to you, I know, but no matter in whatever balance you were weighed, you have simply refused to be found wanting. The excess of your love can only teach me to be more humble and more worthy of it.”154
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Kathiawar Commercial conference; “Let Kathiawar merchants prove that there is room for benevolence in trade also.”155 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message of Gita; “It was at Kausani in Almora, on 24th June 1929, i.e., after two years’ waiting, that I finished the introduction in Gujarati to my translation of the Gita. The whole was then published in due course. It has been translated in Hindi, Bengali and Marathi. There has been an insistent demand for an English translation. I finished the translation of the introduction at the Yeravda prison. Since my discharge it has lain with friends, and now I give it to the reader. Those, who take no interest in the Book of Life, will forgive the trespass on these columns. To those, who are interested in the poem and treat it as their guide in life, my humble attempt might prove of some help.”156
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Bombay Congress Muslim party; “I am glad you are having a Congress Muslim Party. If it is well supported and if it does not go to sleep, it must prove a tower of strength to the Congress and the institution will be of real service to India in general, and the Muslim communit.”157 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Kathiawar Youth Conference; “Youths, listen to everyone, but decide your own course of action; do not be carried away by speeches. Concentrate on work and learn to be quiet. Your speech being your work, you will be worthy of being heard after you have rendered substantial service to the people.”158
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Bombay Children; “The children who live and study in Bombay ought to know that they are but a drop in the ocean of the crores of children in India. Also they must realize that a large number of these crores of Indian children are only living skeletons. If the Bombay children look upon them as their own brothers and sisters, what are they going to do for them?”159 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Sikh League; “Please convey my good wishes to the Sikh League meeting at Lyallpur. I hope the League will have the wisdom not to boycott the Congress and realize that the question is not closed but open for discussion and adjustment.”160 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to The Indian Labour Journal; “Labour must learn to help itself and to be self-reliant.”161
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Andhra; “This is a battle to the finish. The Divine Hand is guiding it. It must be prolonged till the last man offers himself for satyagraha.”162 “I have the telegram of the Bombay Provincial Congress Committee about Jamnalalji. I agree with the Committee that Jamnalalji’s presence in Bombay at the present moment will be of greater benefit to the country than elsewhere. I have conferred with him and he has decided to give Bombay as much time as he can. I only hope that Bombay will make the fullest use of his presence and will take a leading part as has been its wont in the movement of emancipation. I hope that Bombay has fittingly celebrated Sardar.”163
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Chandola; “Your surpassing love for me has drawn you thus far. I appreciate your affection for me which has been so vividly demonstrated by you . .There were rumours of my arrest last night.God is great, mysterious indeed are His ways. I am here to say good-bye to you. But even if I were in prison, with your strength I could come back. Indeed, it is your strength that will bring us swaraj. Go back and resolve to do your share. Propagate khaddar work, be prepared to offer yourselves as civil resisters. Let there be no flinching. Your way at present, however, lies homeward; mine straight on to the sea-coast. You cannot accompany me at present, but you will have an opportunity to accompany me in a different sense later.” 164 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Maharashtra; “I am extremely glad to hear that in Maharashtra both wings of the Congress have come together and have decided to take part in the fight for swaraj. I hope in this religious fight Maharashtra will take the foremost place.”165
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Hindustan Seva Dal; “I expect the volunteers of the Hindustani Seva Dal to stand by their pledge of non-violence under every conceivable circumstance.”166 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message; “I want world sympathy in this battle of Right against Might.”167 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to America; “I know I have countless friends in America who are in deep sympathy with this struggle but mere sympathy will avail me nothing. What is wanted is concrete expression of public opinion in favour of India’s inherent right to independence and complete approval of the absolutely non-violent means adopted by the Indian National Congress. In all humility but in perfect truth I claim that if we attain our end through non-violent means India will have delivered a message for the world.”168
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Kathiawar; “From what I hear it seems that the Government have conferred upon Kathiawar greater honour. While information from other centres states that leaders have been arrested, as regards Kathiawar, Mr. Manilal Kothari and Sheth Amritlal are arrested with their volunteers. Nothing could be more creditable and welcome for Kathiawar. Moreover, the recent death of Mr. Kothari’s wife has added more to the valour. The tragic sentiment is there in the death of a dear one and when a warrior is deeply affected by such departure without succumbing to sorrow and plunges into the field without a moment’s delay, his bravery shines even more. I hope Kathiawar will understand this sentiment and will nurture it. There is only one way to do so. If Kathiawar is pouring incessantly to join satyagraha and take up the work left by these men, success will be theirs.”169 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Gujrat; “Gujarat has worked wonders. The hopes which Pandit Motilal Nehru had expressed at Jambusar seem to fructify. The first day of self-purification week has begun with auspicious omens. Good news is pouring in from all centres from Ranpur right up to Surat. Messrs Manilal Kothari and Amritlal Sheth have been arrested with the volunteers and the news just now reaches us that Durbar Gopaldas, Talati and Ravishanker, all leaders of Kaira District, have been arrested. They have enhanced the prestige of Gujarat and India as well. But what will the remaining workers in Gujarat do? I hope the volunteers will pour in large numbers from all quarters, without waiting for any call and fill up the gap immediately caused by the arrests. The time has now come when students, pleaders, Government servants and others will be put to test. Will those who remain outside keep on waiting and watching when seasoned soldiers are being arrested?”170
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to The Nation; “At last the long expected hour seems to have come. In the dead of night my colleagues and companions have roused me from deep slumber and requested me to give them a message. I am, therefore, dictating this message, although I have not the slightest inclination to give any. Messages I have given enough already. Of what avail would this message be if none of the previous messages evoked a proper response? But information received until this midnight leads me to the belief that my message did not fall flat, but was taken up by the people in right earnest. The people of Gujarat seem to have risen in a body as it were. I have seen with my own eyes thousands of men and women at Aat and Bhimrad fearlessly breaking the Salt Act. Not a sign of mischief, not a sign of violence have I seen, despite the presence of people in such large numbers. They have remained perfectly peaceful and non-violent, although Govern-ment officers have transgressed all bounds.
Here in Gujarat well-tried and popular public servants have been arrested one after another, and yet the people have been perfectly non-violent. They have refused to give way to panic, and have celebrated the arrests by offering civil disobedience in ever increasing numbers. This is just as it should be.
If the struggle so auspiciously begun is continued in the same spirit of non-violence to the end, not only shall we see Purna Swaraj established in our country before long, but we shall have given to the world an object-lesson worthy of India and her glorious past.
Swaraj won without sacrifice cannot last long. I would, therefore, like our people to get ready to make the highest sacrifice that they are capable of. In true sacrifice all the suffering is on one side one is required to master the art of getting killed without killing, of gaining life by losing it. May India live up to this mantra.
At present India’s self-respect, in fact her all, is symbolized as it were in a handful of salt in the satyagrahi’s hand. Let the fist holding it therefore be broken, but let there be no voluntary surrender of the salt. Let the Government, if it claims to be a civilized Government, jail those who help themselves to contraband salt. After their arrest the civil resisters will gladly surrender the salt, as they will their bodies into the custody of their jailors. But by main force to snatch the salt from the poor, harmless
satyagrahis’ hands is barbarism pure and simple and an insult to India. Such insult can be answered only by allowing our hand to be fractured without loosening the grasp. Even then the actual sufferer or his comrades may not harbour in their hearts anger against the wrongdoer.
Incivility should be answered not by incivility but by a dignified and calm endurance of all suffering in the name of God. Let not my companions or the people at large be perturbed over my arrest, for it is not I but God who is guiding this movement. He ever dwells in the hearts of all and he will vouchsafe to us the right guidance if only we have faith in Him. Our path has already been chalked out for us. Let every village fetch or manufacture contraband salt. Sisters should picket liquor shops, opium dens and foreign cloth dealers’ shops. Young and old in every home should ply the takli and spin, and get woven, heaps of yarn every day. Foreign cloth should be burnt. Hindus should eschew untouchability. Hindus, Mussalmans, Sikhs, Parsis, and Christians should all achieve heart unity. Let the majority rest content with what remains after the minorities have been satisfied. Let students leave Government schools and colleges, and Govern-ment servants resign their service and devote themselves to service of the people, and we shall find that Purna Swaraj will come knoc-king at our door.171
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Bombay Citizen; “I don’t know whether to trust the citizens of Bombay when Jamnalal Bajaj and Nariman have been jailed and still the citizens of Bombay have not shown sufficient spirit. Bombay should break the salt laws and more particularly they should boycott foreign cloth and thereby break the chain of foreign domination and the leaders of Bombay should work to free the labouring classes from the drink evil.”172 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to B.P.C.C., Bombay; “I congratulate the Bombay Congress Committee and the people of Bombay on the recent arrest of Abidali and Meherali. It is the duty of every citizen of Bombay to fill the places of those who have been arrested. The arrest of the leaders should not make us falter. The unprecedented enthusiasm which was witnessed during the national week shows that, following the arrest of the leaders, people’s enthusiasm
in the whole of India has increased. I hope the recent arrests in Bombay will create similar enthusiasm. We should make salt and use only that salt. We should boycott foreign cloth and eradicate the evil of drinking. I have entrusted the two latter activities to the women of India. If we wish to succeed in the boycott of foreign cloth and exercise control over mills which are purely Indian it is women who can do it. We should carry on propaganda for khadi and this will not be possible until every one of us takes up the takli.”173
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Hansa Mehta; “Tell Mrs. Hansa Mehta1 that Bombay women should take up energetically the cause of preventing liquor consumption in the city of Bombay, as their contribution towards the fight for Purna Swaraj. Not only will that save crores of rupees to the poorest workmen in the world, but it will make a constructive step for the successful accomplishment of India’s complete independence. India expects every woman to do her duty at this moment in the fight for freedom.”174 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to The Hindu; “ I have full faith in Southern India making adequate response to the country’s call for the uttermost sacrifice. I expect that the response is not only in connection with salt tax, but also in regard to intoxicating drinks and boycott of foreign cloth. No part of India is perhaps better equipped for the boycott of foreign cloth and the promotion of khadi than South India. Civil disobedience with reference to the salt tax should be easy for the Southern people owing to the extensive seaboard near by from almost every part of that country.”175
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to people of Dholera and Vilgram; “The reports from places around Dholera and Viramgam are becoming intolerable. The barbarous atrocities which are said to have been perp-etrated there make one shudder. Those who have sent in the reports should be careful and be prepared to substantiate them. The inhuman atrocities which have been described are not supposed to have been perpetrated secretly but openly in public. I hope the accounts are untrue. However, if they are true, there are satyagrahi measures more severe than the ones that are being adopted at present. Through them these inhuman acts could certainly be prevented. Those on whom these indignities have been inflicted should not be afraid. I am eager to go to that area. And, if these atrocities do not cease, God willing, I shall go and suggest ways of preventing them. I assure them that although I am trying to cope with the work in Surat district, my mind is occupied with the Dholera and Viramgam events.”176 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to America; “The national demand is not for immediate establishment of Independence, but is a preliminary step to a conference, that must take place if Independence is to be established peacefully, to remove certain prime grievances, chiefly economic and moral. These are set forth in the clearest possible terms in my letter, miscalled an ultimatum to the Viceroy. Those grievances include the salt tax, which in its incidence falls with equal pressure upon rich as well as poor and is over 1,000 per cent of the cost price. Having been made a monopoly, it has deprived tens of thousands of people of their supplementary occupation and the artificially heavy cost of salt has made it very difficult, if not impossible, for poor people to give enough salt to their cattle and to their land.
This unnatural monopoly is sustained by laws, which are only so-called, but which are a denial of law. They give arbitrary powers to police, known to be corrupt, to lay their hands without warrant on innocent people, to confiscate their property and otherwise molest them in a hundred ways. Civil resistance against the laws has caught the popular imagination as nothing else has within my experience. Hundreds of thousands of people, including women or children from many villages, have participated in the open manufacture and sale of contraband salt.
This resistance has been answered by barbarous and unmanly repressions. Instead of arresting people the authorities have violated the persons of people who have refused to part with salt, held generally in their fists. To open their fists, their knuckles have been broken, their necks have been pressed, they have been even indecently assaulted till they have been rendered senseless. Some of these assaults have taken place in the presence of hundreds and thousands of people, who, although well able to protect the victims and retaliate, being under a pledge of non-violence, have not done so. It is true thatviolence has broken out in Calcutta, Karachi, Chittagong, and now Peshawar. The Calcutta and Karachi events should be isolated from those at Chittagong and Peshawar. The Calcutta and Karachi incidents were an impulsive outburst on the arrest of popular leaders. The Chittagong and Peshawar incidents though also caused for the same reason, seem to have been serious and well-planned affairs, though wholly unconnected with each other, Chittagong being in the extreme east and Peshawar being in the north-west border of India.
These disturbances have so far not affected other parts of India, where civil disobedience has been going on in an organized fashion and on a mass scale since the 6th instant. People in other parts have remained non-violent in spite of great provocation. At the same time, I admit that there is need for caution but I can say without the least hesitation that, consistently with the plan of civil disobedience, every precaution conceivable is being taken to prevent civil disobedience from being used as an occasion for doing violence. It should be noted that in Karachi, wounded persons of whom have died of their wounds, were volunteers engaged in keeping the peace and restraining mob fury. It is the opinion of eye-witnesses that the firing in Karachi was wholly unjustified and that there was no firing in the air or at the legs in the first instance.
In fact, the Government have lost no opportunity of incensing people. Many of the best and purest and the most self-sacrificing leaders have been arrested and imprisoned, in many instances with mock trials. Sentences, though, for the same offence, have varied with the idiosyncrasies of the magistrates. In several instances they have been for more than 12 months with hard labour on well-known citizens. The enthusiasm of the people has up to now increased with every conviction. Thousands of people regard the manufacture of contraband salt as part of their daily routine. In any other part of the world with a Government at all responsible to public opinion, the salt tax would have been repealed long since, but whether now or later, repealed it will be, if the present existing atmosphere of resistance abides as it promises to do.
That this is a movement of self-purification is abundantly proved by the fact that women have come into it in large numbers and are organizing the picketing of liquor shops. Thousands have taken vows to abstain from intoxicating liquor. In Ahmedabad, a strong labour centre, receipts of canteens have dropped to 19 per cent and are still dropping. A similar manifestation is taking placein the district of Surat. Women have also taken up the question of boycott of foreign cloth. It is spreading all over India. People are making bonfires of foreign cloth in their possession. Khadi, i.e., hand-spun cloth, is so much in demand that the existing stock is well-nigh exhausted.
The spinning-wheel is much in demand and people are beginning to realize more and more the necessity of reviving hand-spinning in the cottages of 700,000 villages of India. In my humble opinion, a struggle so free from violence has a message far beyond the borders of India. I have no manner of doubt that after all the sacrifice that has already been made since April 6, the spirit of the people will be sustained throughout till India has become independent and free to make her contribution to the progress of humanity.”177
Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to C. Rajgopalahari; “It is good that our hands and feet are tied so that we sing with joy, ‘God is the help of the helpless’.”178 Mahatma Gandhi gave a message to Sahu Sabha Bombay; “I hope that the Sahu Sabha will receive support from all patriotic non-Brahmins. The present struggle is intended to bring relief to millions and not to any particular class or caste.”179.
151. The Hindu, 7-1-1929
153.The Hindu, 1-2-1929
154.Young India, 18-4-1929
155.The Tribune, 6-4-1929
158.Prajabandhu, 8-9-1929
159.The Bombay Chronicle, 2-10-1929
160.The Tribune, 12-10-1929
162.The Hindu, 14-3-1930
163.The Bombay Chronicle, 13-3-1930
164.The Bombay Chronicle, 18-3-1930
165.The Bombay Chronicle, 24-3-1930
166.The Hindu, 29-3-1930
167.A MESSAGE; April 5, 1930
168.The Bombay Chronicle, 7-4-1930
169.The Bombay Chronicle, 8-4-1930
170.The Bombay Chronicle, 8-4-1930
171.Young India, 8-5-1930
172.The Bombay Chronicle, 11-4-1930
173.MESSAGE TO B.P.C.C., BOMBAY; April 10, 1930
174.The Bombay Chronicle, 12-4-1930
175.The Hindu, 15-4-1930
176.Navajivan 20-4-1930
177.MESSAGE TO AMERICA; Before April 27, 1930
178.The Illustrated Weekly of India, September 24-30, 1978, p. 39
179.The Bombay Chronicle, 3-5-1930
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Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 14, 2012 at 11:48am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 14, 2012.
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Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 5, 2011 at 6:51am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 9, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 5, 2011 at 6:46am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 15, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Oct 10, 2011 at 5:30pm. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 31, 2011.
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