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Mahatma Gandhi’s Note to Jagdish K. Munshi

Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav

Senior Gandhian Scholar, Professor, Editor and Linguist

Gandhi International Study and Research Institute, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

Contact No. – 09404955338, 09415777229


Mailing Address- C- 29, Swaraj Nagar, Panki, Kanpur- 208020, Uttar Pradesh, India



Mahatma Gandhi’s Note to Jagdish K. Munshi


1. Division of India is like poison to my mind; because I am also of the view that it is sinful to do so.

2. The Delhi Resolution of April 23, 1942 was concerned with self-determination. After this on April 301, Rajaji’s Resolution was turned down and Jagat Narayan’s Resolution about not partitioning India was adopted. In my view this was a highly inappropriate and hasty step and due to this alone Jinnah has been able to spread poison in the Muslim masses.

3. I had discussed this matter with Maulana also. According to him, in spite of Jagat Narayan’s Resolution, I still retain the authority to discuss the matter with Jinnah because the Resolution of April 2 still stands.

4. Later on when I had negotiations with Jinnah I had asked him whether he would accept help from a foreign Power if he was granted a sovereign State. To this he said: “Yes.” I then asked him if, after securing that help, he would invade India. To this (also) he said: “Yes.” Then I told him: “It would be a sin to do such a thing and I cannot be a party to it.”

5. When Dr. Latif mentioned Pakistan I asked him to discuss the question with Maulana; but it was in deference to Maulana’s wish that I discussed it with him.

6. Rajaji’s offer does not seem to have the virulence of his earlier talk and hence I am in agreement with it. According to this offer if there can be a separate treaty regarding Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communications, I do not see any harm in giving him the rest. And after this, Pakistan seems to have no meaning at all.

7. It is not that everybody has been in agreement with me about everything from the beginning of my life. There is bound to be a difference of opinion and it is good that it is there. But nobody has ever told me that I have done anything in bad faith. Thus it was that I had won over Motilal, C. R. Das and others. In spite of difference of opinion they often came to me and shed tears when they saw my determination to abide by Truth. From his death-bed C. R. Das had enjoined upon his followers: “Do as this man says. He is a true leader.” I wish to conquer even Jinnah with trust and love. I have no other weapons at all.

8. Jinnah too has complete faith in me. He knows that I have no axe to grind in these negotiations. And he seems to have somewhat softened by my last letter, and hence, my only advice can be that at such a time nobody should create any obstacle. Jinnah has hated me since the day I asked him in a meeting to give up English and speak in Gujarati. Sir Chimanlal Setalvad also feels the same way about me from that day and it has not changed to this day.

9. Jinnah is definitely not unselfish. He is prone to be easily led by others because of his vanity. (Just) because I am going to meet him I am not led away by him. I have not accepted everything that he has said. Otherwise it would mean that he has won me round. That is why even when I meet him it will be with some misgivings.

10. Munshi has raised a new cry, and I cannot stop him. And it would not befit me even if I did it.

11. But Munshi very much loves to dominate everywhere and become a leader. I know that everybody hates him for that reason. Everybody believes that even in the Congress he wants to set up his own protagonists. But how can one prevent a person if he is capable of spreading his influence because of his own power? Only the person who has all his teeth intact can crack a betel-nut and so, there is no need to be scared of him. He seems to be much perturbed. Hence, at such a time we should do only that which we feel is correct. If he shows me the statement, I shall certainly go through it. 


Pilgrimage to Freedom, Vol. I, pp. 438-40

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