The Gandhi-King Community

For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment

Manilal was a beloved son of Mahatma Gandhi. He taught him everything. He guidance him on every matter. How can he behave, he wrote him. He discussed with his father on every issues. He was a son of his dream. He participated in his freedom movement. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 6 June 1938 that I forgot yesterday to enclose a letter for Kanam. Here it is. I am sending the message3 also. I had almost forgotten about it. Don’t worry about me. You are bound to feel the pain of separation, but you should bear it. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 19 July 1938 that I got your letters. So far I have not been able to write to you. It is now three days since Sushila and Arun arrived here. Arun is all the time asking to be taken to Akola. We hope he will calm down by and by. I understand your anguish. Do what you think is proper. Consider calmly all the pros and cons and do what you feel it is best to do. Do not worry about things here. It is good that Ramdas has come and stayed here for a few days. My health, one may say, is quite good. Ba also is fine. Segaon is rather crowded just now. It is difficult to manage in the rainy season. There is not sufficient room for sleeping. But God helps us to manage somehow. Hanna is unfit for this place. She has a very delicate constitution. She is not able to put up with any discomfort. She cannot digest the food either. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 9 August1938 that I got your letter. The practicability of Mr. Kallenbach’s suggestion will depend on my ability to send teachers from here. But that is nil. It is difficult to get teachers who would satisfy me. Even if I come across such a teacher, he would have to be paid a salary which we cannot afford. Thus whatever arrangement you think of making will have to be made locally. My opinion, therefore, is that the plan of a school will not work. So I have to think only about I. O. If the people there give a clear guarantee to make good the loss, not oral but such as will satisfy the bankers, then it is your duty to keep it going. If Rustomjee Trust offers some help, there is no harm in accepting it. But I would like only direct help from the people. If the I. O. can be kept going, Sushila must return there. I think that essential for helping you as also for her and your peace of mind. Sushila’s presence by your side will by itself be a source of comfort, such as you cannot have from anything else. I feel that if Sushila goes there, Arun should accompany her and Sita should stay here. Both of you should learn to bear such separation. I am considering here only the welfare of the children. In case Sushila goes there, you should treat Phoenix as your home and stay there. You should overcome your desire of coming over here too often. It is, of course, a different thing if you get an unsought opportunity of coming. You should overcome the desire to see your elders. If separation from one’s people is one’s dharma, one must cheerfully abide by that dharma. Today this is enough. The other news Sushila may give if she wishes and knows how to. If Ramdas can be tempted to stay there, then there is nothing better than that. In that case the children of both of you should Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 19 August 1938 that I have only sent you my opinion3 . If you get 200 subscribers who would pay £25 each or 100 who would pay £50 each, and if you get an assurance regarding the I. O. expenses and do not have to go about for collections, you ought to stay on there. You should increase your efficiency. If you become steady there, Sushila and Arun may go there and Sita may stay here. She seems to be progressing very well in her study at Akola. If Sushila goes there, you will of course get help and also peace of mind. I do feel that, when Sushila is living near me, I am observing silence and so cannot train her or get her trained as I should like to do. Moreover, as I take my meals by myself, I cannot watch what she and Arun eat. If I were in better shape, Sushila’s swollen body and Arun’s weak one also would certainly have improved. But what can we do? She can receive from me only as much as her fate permits. She can be said to have been freed from my clutches. It is no easy thing to get caught in my clutches. Well, God’s will prevails in all things. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 9 September 1938 that You must have got the cable I sent as desired by you. I assume that you will do nothing in haste. I feel that you cannot close the I. O., and it will be best if it is not closed. But if there is no other way, let it be closed. You will read about the other things from Sushila’s letter. My health can be considered excellent. The fluctuation in blood-pressure is no cause for alarm. My silence is continuing and that is good. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 9 November 1938 that I owe you an apology. While on tour, I always leave you out. The work is heavy and my energy is relatively limited. I, therefore, content myself with the fewest possible letters. I realize, all the same, that 1 ought to write to you. I will try once again to be regular in writing or dictating letters to you. I have been feeling that I am not doing my dharma towards you fully. Though I may not be able to do anything in that direction, still even my letters to you have a value of their own. I wrote long back to Sushila that her dharma was to be by your side. She has decided to stay on here for a month or so. I have again written today that if she is not required to stay there for nursing Nanabhai, she should immediately return.1 I will do everything possible to send her. If you find it necessary to sell any portion of Phoenix and if the trustees agree, you may sell it. Schlesin’s suggestion is certainly worth thinking over. I am sending your letter to Chhaganlal but I do not think he will want to go. The person who would have benefited by going and staying there was Ramdas, but he does not feel so inclined. The best way is for you and Sushila to do the best you can and be content. It will certainly be good if Schlesin gives whatever help she can. I will have no objection if Pragji takes charge. You should be guided by your experience. Don’t do anything which your experience does not suggest as advisable. Ba has completely recovered now. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 25 January 1939 that Enclosed is a cheque for £100. It is for the repairs of the library building—is it not? Why should you be afraid of the astrological prediction? Now it is certainly time for me to leave the world. Do not weep if you hear the news of my demise tomorrow. Both of you may look after my work. You should shine as my heir. Add to the inheritance. Money is something that comes and goes, but if I have some virtues those are your inheritance. Add to them and be happy. All are sharers in this inheritance. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 25 February 1939 that I received your letter yesterday. How good you are at deciphering! And Schlesin! Why did you not read ‘M.A.’ instead of ‘ma’? Where was there any talk of sending a woman? I have acted on the advice of Schlesin. The person who was to be sent is the brother-in-law of Nirmala, Mahadev’s sister. You should have sent a cable to ask. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 28 May 1939 that This note will be brought by an old client of mine, Shaikh Farid. He had a store in Pietermaritzburg. He has to go there because of the death of his brother. But he doesn’t know anybody now in Pietermaritzburg. Ascertain his need and introduce him to somebody if you can or do whatever else may be necessary. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 25 June 1939 that You must have read the resolution1. It is not proper that I have not received any information about the fight there. There is no news about the struggle either. Everyone believes that I am being kept informed. But there has been no information from that side. Who is Dadu2? There was a cable from him. After that there has been nothing. I am preparing the ground for whatever help can be given. But if I get no regular news from there at all, nothing can be done. Ba is with me. She keeps indifferent health. Ramdas and Devdas also are here. Lakshmi is here on her way to Madras. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 8 August 1939 that I have your letter. Now you will hear from me regularly. It would only be a needless waste of time to file a suit against the Congress workers and it would also create bitterness. If, instead, all of you go on doing your work, your strength will increase and the Congress also will help you indirectly. Even if it does not help, it will not matter. You may not remember, but Christopher probably will, that I had deliberately kept the Congress and the British Indian Association separate. I established the Passive Resistance Association and it got the help of the Congress and the other bodies from time to time. The workers did not court imprisonment, they did not sacrifice their incomes and at the same time helped me with funds. The Agent will recognize your Association and respect it. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 23 March 1940 that read the accompanying letter. I have written to Haji Ismail Bhabha and asked him to see you and discuss the matter with you. You are brothers, not enemies. I have also informed him that I do not interfere with you in your policy. You yourself should try to meet him. You know about things here through newspapers. I will ask Pyarelal to give you some news. Ba is fine, and so am I Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 14 May 1940 that Your attack on Jinnah Saheb in Indian Opinion was not proper. You should never discuss our quarrels here. This is only the impression I have formed from this end. I do not know whether you have any special reason for such severe criticism. Medh has arrived. His daughter is getting married on the 21st. He has not yet visited me. I have written to him to come any time. Ba is well. I am of course well. There is no indication that I shall be starting a struggle in the immediate future. Radha has been here for the last two or three days. She has grown a little thin. It is extremely hot. Kishorelal is in Bombay. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 22 May 1940 that Why do you feel ashamed to mention that Sushila is in her seventh month of pregnancy? And why do you feel unhappy? All one must do is to observe that utmost self-control. What more can one do? This is how life will go on. Yes, Sevagram is fast growing. Nobody can say how big it will grow. Here there is no possibility of my starting a struggle immediately. Bhabha and others may write what they please but propriety requires that you should write nothing about Jinnah Saheb. If you do write, you should use polite language. This is my view. Certainly I would not want you to write or refrain from writing anything out of fear. I wrote what I thought best about the struggle there. But it was for you to decide whether or not to act upon it. Medh came and saw me. I had long talks with him. He will call again. His daughter is getting married and so he went back on the same day. Ba’s health is fine, considering her age. The rest are all right. I am not nursing any hope of anyone of you coming here in the immediate future. Besides, it is a good thing that you are there and doing some service. Ramdas is with the Tatas but he is very restless and has no peace of mind. His health also is not very good Nimu is with him of course. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 16 June 1940 that This time it can be said that you wrote a very long letter. Do not feel apprehensive that it will bore me. That cannot be. What you say about Sorabji1 is painful. It is surprising that even Christopher did not remain with you. But I do not worry in the least that you are left alone. Never mind if you find yourself alone for the sake of what you regard as truth. I have already written to you about Medh. He will come back. No one is going to arrest me in a hurry. I am myself in no hurry to start a fight. It is enough that I am prepared. This is the position today. Tomorrow rests with God. Ba is fairly well. Krishnadas3 and Manojna4 have returned from Nasik. Ramdas is touring and selling soap. He is in the good books of his boss and is, therefore, getting along quite well. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 20 July 1940 that I wrote to you only yesterday. And today I got another letter, enclosing letters from Mr. Vogle and Mrs. Paul. The replies to their letters are enclosed. You must have got my letter of yesterday. Maybe you will get both together. Marybehn writes to say that one cannot get even an inch of khadi in Durban.1 It seems a little strange. What a state of affairs it is if a person wishes to buy some khadi and can’t ! Keep a little stock of it if no one else will. Can’t you persuade somebody to do so? Sushila and Ila will be well. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 2 December 1941 that I was under the impression that I had replied to your letter. But Kishorelal tells me that I have not done so. If you cannot be happy there, you may come over, but it will not look proper. It will not be proper to desert your co-workers. All the same, I do not wish to force you to stay on. You two, therefore, may do what you consider is your dharma. What further guidance can I give you than this? Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 25 November 1944 that I have your letter. I was glad to hear that all of you reached there safely. I am better now. Now in place of Kanu Sushilabehn sleeps here. The massage and bath are given by Kanaiyo. Krishna’s teeth caused some anxiety, He had some relief after Sushila arrived. He had sound sleep last night. I have accommodated him in Rustom Bhavan. Your decision to go is perfectly correct. I am in God’s hands. I have started sleeping in the verandah since last night. Do not worry about me in the least. I sent you Sushila’s cable. I wrote a couple of words below it.1 You must have received it by now. My blessings to Kishorelal and Gomati and the rest. Let no one worry about me. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 5 February 1945 that I have your letter written from Mombasa. You worry too much about me. Stop doing that. Leave me in God’s hands. At present I am all right. I am active as usual and take my normal food. The blood-pressure is not measured daily now. Khurshedbehn has been in Bombay for the last ten days. She will be there a few more days. Neither she nor anyone else will ever disappoint you. Just now Chi. Kishorelal also is here, and so is Narahari. Narahari’s son has got engaged to Anasuya, Rami’s daughter. It was a mutual choice. I should like it if all of you could make proper arrangements for your work there and then come here, but I do not think that will be possible. It can be done if Sita gets herself trained and goes there. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 25 May 1945 that It is good that you wrote a postcard. araharibhai will see about your luggage. Dinshaw is very gentle, sensitive and quick to take offence. In the course of time that eakness will disappear. At present, there is no need for you to remain absent for my sake. Just now Pyarelal does the massage and bathes me. When he is busy, there is Sushila1. I am well. You need not worry about me. Go and see Sushila and do whatever you think proper. I see no harm in your coming to Panchgani. We may assume that, by the time you come, Kanu and Abha also will have come. But you are not a person who would be a burden to anyone. Sushila and the children can certainly come. But do what you think right. Keep writing to me. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 31 May 1945 that I got your postcard. You did not say where I should address this reply. When one is constantly moving about, one should indicate the address either at the top or at the bottom. Since Sushila has come after so many years, she is naturally very anxious to meet relations. Maybe, she does not, therefore, bother about the heat. I feel concerned about the children. I hope they are not over-strained. I leave for Panchgani this evening. There is bound to be crowding there. But I have provided for you two, together with the children. I am planning in my mind to secure one more bungalow. However, since the breeze has started in Bombay it must be cooler now. All of you can spend a month in Bombay; the place will be cool enough. If possible call on Jairamdas once again. I didn’t read the article about Rajaji carefully. You should forget it. I don’t feel hurt by anything he does. He is acting according to his own lights. Everything that appears in newspapers is not true. You know my views. After all, what matters is one’s actions. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 31 October 1945 that I got your joint letter. Everyone is concentrating on Arun. Let me see what happens. I am writing this at night. I have asked him also to write. We have had rains here recently. I have told you that my work would always go on. Sushila is a very good worker. She has taken over all Rajkumari’s work. Kanaiyo is still here. He quickly disposes of all the lengthy Gujarati letters and the other special work which I entrust to him. No work here, therefore, has stopped or presents any difficulty. I take proper sleep and rest. Do not, therefore, worry about me. Pyarelal’s fever has come down today. Perhaps it will touch normal now. Sushila looks after him, but he is being given nature-cure treatment, Arun is giving no trouble to anyone. He remains happy. Sumi has reached Nagpur. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 1 November 1945 that I send you without correcting the letter that Chi. Arun has written. I talked to him and so did Kanu2 and Abha3, but he refuses to budge. I showed him your letter despite your wish to the contrary, for I did not wish to stop him if he showed the slightest desire. The fact is that he likes it here very much. The discipline here is strict but it does not irk him. Please, therefore, console everybody there and tell them they must celebrate the Diwali without Arun. On my part I take as much care as I can of his studies. Aminbhai teaches him drawing with great affection. He plays and eats and is in high spirits all the time. He is deeply attached to Kanu. Manu1 gives me the massage and Sushila2 sprays me. All my requirements are looked after well and you need not therefore come here for my sake. There is nothing to worry about. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 8 November 1945 that I got your letter and postcard. Arun has taken away your letter and has not returned it. He is always in high spirits these days. He soon makes friends with everybody who comes here. So I do not now worry about him. Though he makes no effort, he does learn a little. There is, therefore, no need for any of you to worry about him just now. Please go to Bombay for the books. Maybe you have already gone there. If you wish, you may certainly pay a flying visit here before returning. But do not come here for my sake at all, for all my needs are being properly looked after. So far as I can judge, you need not come even for the sake of Arun. If, therefore, you come it must be only for the pleasure of the trip. We will leave for Bombay on the morning of the 19th. I should advise you to wait for me in Bombay or, as I have already written, at Sevagram. It is the duty of you two to serve Kishorelalbhai, Gomatibehn, Chhaganlalbhai and Kashibehn as much as you can. Tell Ila I have no reason to remember her. She does not keep a single promise. She had said she would not leave me, but she went away. And she does not make haste to learn to write so that she can at least write to me. I hope she will now lose no time to learn to write letters to me in a beautiful hand. I think that it would now be better to send Uncle’s keys to Kunvarji Mehta, at Adarsh Dugdhalaya, Malad. He has asked for them. He has written a long letter. He wishes to sell off his things. He seems to be well composed in mind at present. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 8 March 1946 that I think it would be better, if you joined the deputation2. If you cannot agree with the draft3 of the memorandum to be presented to the Viceroy, that is, if you oppose it, then it would be another matter. It would have been good, if you could have got time to come and see me, but it does not matter. It I can put on paper the shape that the draft is taking in my mind, there will be no need to see me just now. If, after finishing the business in Delhi, all of you return soon, you will be able to see me in Bombay itself. But failing that you will certainly be able to see me here at any rate. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 9 May 1946 that I have your letter. Parting is such a sweet sorrow. I did feel moved to tears when bidding good-bye to you all, but soon calmed myself. My step, however, was perfectly right. I am experiencing its sweet fruits. I have no time to write at length about it. Personally I would prefer Sita1 and you going to Bombay. You should now start making preparations. Your dharma is to return to South Africa. If you can but have faith that I am in God’s hands, you will not even think about the matter. I hope you don’t find the heat there unbearable. I may know more today about what is going to happen now and how long I shall have to stay here. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 19 May 1946 that I have been meaning to write to you for many days, but could not. Today I have decided to dectate a letter. I am dictating this while having warm water and honey. I had a long discussion with Sorabjee. He broke down and cried. He says he can never have, has never had and will never have any share in doing you harm. He looks upon you as a blood-brother. He will, or course, see you. Do what you think best. He wishes that Omar Sheth’s son should be taken on the Trust. If you agree, I have no objection at all. He is of the view that it will not look well if there is no Muslim on the Trust. His view does appeal to me. Show him the names which we had considered. I have an impression that you had suggested Medh’s name and that I had accepted it after some hesitation. Sorabjee says that it will produce a very good impression if his name is not included. He says that Medh’s having the spirit of service in him does not mean that he is qualified to be a trustee. Think calmly over this suggestion. Sorab must have left by now. The pressure of work is daily increasing here. The heat is sometimes bearable and sometimes unbearable. The same is the condition of the mind. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 25 June 1946 that You could not come. Even if you had managed to come, you could only have had a glimpse of me from a distance. What would have been the virtue in that? I approve of your returning soon1. What seems to be happening is excellent. You should participate in it wholeheartedly. Do not worry about the children. I understand that Sushila is staying back for the present. You should plunge in the struggle with the faith that God is her real guardian. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 25 July 1946 that Newspapers have published a telegram saying that you have arrived there. That is good. I received Sita’s letter only yesterday. Sita and Sumi have both settled down in Benares. According to the present schedule, Sushila will be leaving in a few days. But when she came to Poona she told me that she would await your letter. These days again there is no letter from her. I shall go to Poona from here on the 28th. I shall stay there for two days and then in Uruli for three days. From there I shall go to Sevagram that is my programme at present. Things are going on as usual here. You get the news from here through cables so I do not write anything about it. Also I do not have the time. I shall be happy if you keep on writing to me regularly. You will know more from Medh’s1 letter. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 7 August 1946 that I arrived here yesterday. Sushila, Ila and Su’s two friends joined me at Akola. I read your letter. We had a long talk. I approved of your idea and therefore I stated categorically that it was Sushila’s duty to stay here and look after the children till you sent for her. Her own desire is to help you and join in the struggle, but her duty is to do as you wish. I assume that whenever you feel that Sushila should return there, you will unhesitatingly write or cable. Sushila is returning to Akola today. She will stay for a day at Mahila Ashram. The rest Sushila will write, or Kishorelal at any rate. He keeps indifferent health. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 28 August 1946 that I have your letters. The letter to Sushila I have given to Kishorelal and told him to forward it to her. You are in a proper quandary. Your duty, it seems clear, is to court imprisonment. There is no doubt at all that a fight has to be given. It is difficult for me to advise what should be done about the Press. You alone can decide. I should like Sushila being with you. But it appears that her duty is to be here. I cannot think of sending Arun and Ila there and I could not countenance Sushila leaving them and going. This is the difficulty. You must consider and decide. In coming to a decision please give no thought to what I might want or other elders might want. Or course you have to consider what Sushila would want. Here everything is in confusion. No one can tell what will happen. I do not even know how long I shall have to be in Delhi. My heart is in the Ashram of course. I shall see where He takes me. Devdas already cabled to you, so you will see that no compromising step has been taken here and you may rest assured that none will be taken. I shall not be surprised if the newspapers there publish fabrications to harm the cause. Wasn’t I similarly attacked in 1896? Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 1 September 1946 that A cutting from the Indian Opinion sent by Sushila has reached me here in Delhi. If what it says is true it is a very serious matter. If the whole of the Negro population enters into a bloody conflict with the whole of the Indian population, there is not the least doubt that both will perish. One must have the capacity to fight to win in a bloody conflict. Neither party has this. Any help from the whites will be quite out of the question. You will lose even such help as you are now getting. I cannot therefore believe that except for a few crazy individuals there are any Indian groups who would wish to oppose the ghettoes through violence. There is only one sure way and everyone knows it. Your path, therefore, is clear. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 28 September 1946 that I have both your letters. I have already taken such action as they indicated. You will have seen it from the newspapers. Only I have not been able to find time to write to you. I keep getting heaps of cables from there. Some of them are contradictory. The situation there would appear to have changed further. If, though alone, you remain unconcerned and do not swerve from your duty because many do not join you, I shall consider your contribution to have been ample. Jawaharlalji directly deals with the questions concerning South Africa. We often meet. The Indian delegation to the U. N. O. will include the best people available. My going is ruled out. Jawaharlal may go if he can be spared. Rajaji’s name also deserves to be considered. You should not worry on this score either. Ultimately everything will depend on what you people there are able to do. Have no doubts about that. For the next fifteen days or more I shall be in Delhi. The massacres here are very painful. The outcome is in God’s hands. Sushila is intelligent and therefore must be giving you all the news. I could write pages, but do not have the time. Medh has not met me yet. Nor has he met Sushila. Do not at all worry about Sushila and the children. Devdas is engrossed in his work. He meets me only occasionally. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 9 November 1946 that Do not worry on hearing about my fast, rather rejoice. When somebody does his duty, instead of worrying one should feel greater zeal in doing one’s own work. I am on a partial fast but am able to do my work as usual. Let us see when the total fast begins. That is in the hands of the Biharis. Rajendra Babu and the others have gone there. There are hopes that they will succeed in their mission. Whatever happens, should I not do my duty as I understand it? And, therefore, without worrying in the least, you should do yours. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 8 December 1946 that Only today I got your letter. It is excellent. I intend to find some space for it in Harijan and publish it. You are getting excellent help. compliments to all. You won great credit for yourself as prisoner. Never mind the loss of weight. You will get it back. I was very glad that otherwise you could preserve your general health. It is strange that things should be so bad. Vijayalakshmi’s performance in America is considered to be very good. It is a painful thing, though, that the others spoiled the effect. It is enough that you have proved your worth. How can one tell who will ultimately win the laurels in this? Acting on your letter, I have already written to Sushila and told her to proceed there with or without the children. I would not risk doing anything against your wishes in this matter. There is no doubt at all that Sushila will be a help to you. Do use the services of the children, too. It will be good if both of you see to it that they do not forget Gujarati but, on the contrary, learn it properly. I am writing this after eight in the evening and cannot, therefore, write more. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 10 January 1947 that I got your letter of December 16, 1946. I am advising Sushila to go at the earliest opportunity. The education of children will be disturbed, but that seems to me inevitable. I had a letter from Sushila, too. I therefore, think, that she will start at the earliest. You should now wait for her and put up with the hardships till she arrives. It is no use at all worrying about me. God is taking the utmost care of me and protecting me. These days I get up daily at 3, and there has been no trouble so far. But I feel unhappy that, though I am able to eat my normal food, I cannot attend to all the work. However, that problem also will be solved. I am now arranging the work with that end in view. Do not worry in the least. And, moreover, I have so arranged the work that it is desirable to have the fewest possible co-workers with me just now. Sushila Pai and Sushila Nayyar have been posted separately and are working independently. With me are Nirmal Babu and Manu and a person named Ramachandran. He works hard but I cannot use him much. The man has come to me in distress, and I have kept him because I could not turn him away. I had thus planned the work so as to be able to do it with very few workers, and I still adhere to that plan. I had, therefore, decided to attend to no outside work. But I have not been able to stick to it fully. That is why I feel hard pressed for time. I am now thinking of forcing myself not to attend to such work. If I succeed in that, I shall get enough free time. Gandhi wrote a letter to Manilal on dated 1 February 1947 that I got your fine letter. You seem to have made good changes in your diet. I like them. My tapascharya is like the hills which seem beautiful from a distance. I undergo no suffering. People come and see me daily. My ahimsa is being severely tested. You need not worry, however. Remain absorbed in your duty. Do not let the fact of Manu sleeping with me perturb you. I believe that it is God who has prompted me to take that step. If, however, you cannot understand, do not get upset and bear with me. I write this because Kishorelal and others have got upset. I see no reason for that at all. I think Sushila will go there at the earliest opportunity.

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