For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment
Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav
Gandhian Scholar
Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Contact No- 09404955338, 09415777229,
Donation and Mahatma Gandhi, Part-II
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Seth Ghanshyamdas Birla writes to me saying that he has received from Lala Kamalapat a donation of Rs. 3,000 and a donation of Rs. 2,000 from Seth Rameshwar Prasad Bagla, both of Cawnpore. These can be utilized for the David Scheme or general education work, the only condition being that the donations will be utilized for the Harijans of that Province. A sum of Rs. 2,500 has been received from Seth Soniram Poddar of Rangoon to be used at my discretion for education work amongst Harijans. This amount also is available for the David Scheme or for general education work amongst the Harijans, no matter in what part of India.”108 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You ask whether a Harijan Day should be observed as we have been doing. I would say: observe it, but if it is properly observed, no expense need be incurred. The Harijan Day should not mean carving a slice out of the little balance you may have. In the same way, I should not spend Rs. 75 to get a donation of Rs. 100, i.e., a net donation of Rs. 25. I do not say that propaganda is bad; propaganda wisely directed is necessary. But I would say that propaganda could be made self supporting. Do not touch your funds for, say, a reception or a procession; recover the charges from sympathetic local friends and don’t burden your accounts with them.”109
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “A Brahmin, who has lost his sister and sister’s daughter, sends me a cheque for Rs. 1,750 to be invested and the interest to be used for the benefit of Harijans, in any manner that may commend itself to me. In the course of his letter he says: I had set apart Rs. 2,000 for charity in connection with the death of my dear sister and daughter. I have used Rs. 250 out of the sum so far for the local charities and I am sending you the balance for Harijan uplift. My own suggestion is that this money should be invested to form the nucleus of a permanent fund whose interest only should be used for the benefit of Harijans. But you are at liberty, if you think it more advisable, to use the capital in any manner you like in connection with the Harijan service. I would like you not to disclose my name.”110 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I do not mean to say that it is a sin to associate one’s or one’s elder’s name with a donation. But such a tendency prevails among people and I have seen this temptation leading to ridiculous results. I have therefore been dissuading all whom I could. I have succeeded in some cases, and where I have failed I have accommodated myself and have also accepted such donations. When I do this I don’t mean to sing my own praise or to point out other people’s shortcomings. I only wish you would not press me to act contrary to what I have been doing and advocating. I have no false modesty. I cannot have it while adhering to my principles.”111
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Sir Lallubhai Samaldas brought from Japan Rs. 1,699-11-0 for Harijan work. This amount was received in Yeravda, but the letter with names accompanying it was given to me only after my release. I was, therefore, unable to acknowledge the donation before now. It comes from the Indian Silk Merchants’ Association of Kobe and the letter giving cover to the cheque contains the names of forty-two subscribers. The majority are Sindhi merchants. Whilst I thank them for their donations, I warn them that I had expected much more than what they have sent. I knew the generosity of my Sindhi friends in South Africa. They cannot be different in Japan. I, therefore, regard their cheque as an earnest of more to come.”112 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The responsibility of the caste Hindus of Ahmadabad as also of the Harijans has increased as a result of the donation of the land and buildings of the Satyagraha Ashram for the service of Harijans.”113
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have gone into the figures and have shown him how the budget should be reduced. I have no time to reiterate the reasons. In my view at the present moment and for one year your wants should not exceed Rs. 5,000. From Jalbhai’s letter it appears that Rs. 4,000 can easily be found. A loan is needed for the balance. But I have advised a donation rather than a loan, and it may be Rs. 2,000. So, if Jalbhai has difficulty in finding Rs. 4,000 and if you regulate your expenditure according to my revision, you should have no difficulty for the current year. Fresh effort will be necessary for the next year.”114 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Sjt. Harakhchand, writing on 26th October, says: Here the reader should stretch his imagination and ask himself what it must mean when people gladly walk miles to secure doles giving them less than one pice worth of rice per day and then search his heart as to whether he can honestly plead hard times when he is called upon to give a donation towards partially feeding the hungry skeletons of Orissa. He must not expect a collector to go to him before he will part with his rupee or whatever sum he can give. He should send his money order without delay. Or he will, to save commission, combine with his neighbours so as to send the maximum amount covered by the minimum commission.”115
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Gordhanbhai continues to write about Vithalbhai’s donation. I have not read all that he has written. I will take a suitable opportunity to reply to him and then keep quiet. I had a very sweet letter from subhas. I did send it to the Press. I am sure it must have been printed.”116 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “It is a matter of great satisfaction to me to renew my acquaintance with you. I thank you for the addresses and the purses that have been presented to me for the Harijan cause. The proprietor of the Anand Bhawan has helped me this afternoon by presenting a donation of Rs. 151 for the Harijan cause and Rs. 151 for the afflicted countrymen in Bihar. I wish you all to follow that example. You must have read today a notice published by Babu Rajendra Prasad and supported by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya.”117
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Hence I have repeated from a thousand meetings that this is essentially a movement of self-purification and repentance. You will be glad to know that this purse of Rs. 501 contains Rs. 200 given by the fishermen. I congratulate them on their handsome donation. I know that they are a flourishing community. And I know also that if they got rid of the drink habit and if they had the free supply of salt they could do much better. Free supply of salt depends upon circumstances over which we have no control. But upon the liquor habit, we have full control. And I would like my fishermen friends to carry on this reform which they have well begun in Mangalore. It is a habit that destroys the soul.”118
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The last sentence of the appeal demands an answer. Even if I had the ability, I would not have the wish to satisfy the signatories in their appeal for a “donation” that would sustain them for at least three months. Such donations are a waste of public money. They degrade those who receive them and put a premium on laziness. The able-bodied should ask for work, never charity. I know that in these days of scarcity even work is difficult to find in the case of the general body and more so in that of Harijans. But I believe that a person who is ready for any honourable labour will not have much difficulty in finding some work. I would, therefore, urge all friends of Harijans to discourage appeals for doles and endeavour to find employment for the unemployed who would not refuse to do any honourable labour.”119 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “If an individual’s donation is the token of his change of heart, it would not help the Harijans but will help those who consider themselves caste Hindus.”120
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “During Thakkar Bapa’s tour in Travancore, we received on behalf of the Central Sangh, from Shri Parmeswaran Pillai, President of the local Harijan Sevak Sangh, a donation of a portion of his ground for Harijan Ashram. It is situated at Vithura Nedumangad. The following brief speech he made at the meeting announcing the gift sufficiently describes it. It is now over fourteen years since a school was started here. Ten months ago I rebuilt the school house at a cost of about Rs. 800. The school has now three classes with a total attendance of 75. Of these, 40 are Harijans. Of this Harijans 34 are boys and 6 girls. The number of Kani children in the school now is 16. I have long thought that a school of this kind cannot fully serve its purpose without being made part of an ashram where one or two workers will stay all the time and undertake daily a programme of co-ordinate Harijan uplift work. I have, therefore, now put up a small building for the Ashram. I have also set apart 10 acres of land for the Ashram, 81/2 acres of which are planted with about 2,000 cashew nut trees. These trees will begin to bear in another 2 years, and as cashew nuts are fetching a good price, this will constitute a tangible item of income. . . . I intend taking at once 5 Harijan boys, including 3 Kanis, as residential students in the Ashram. A worker has been appointed and he will stay with the boys in the Ashram. After 6 months I propose to take 5 more boys, making the total of residential students Thinking that an institution of this kind will work better as part of the Harijan Sevak Sangh, I have handed over the school, the Ashram building and the ten acres of land to the Kerala Board of the Harijan Sevak Sangh . . . I congratulate the donor for his generous gift and hope that the Harijans will make good use of the Ashram which is to receive the personal care and affection of the donor.”121 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The donation of a lakh of rupees which is being asked for from you is for this independent organization. They will also have to fly the flag of the Sammelan.”122
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “he alms for which I am appealing to you could be split up into three parts. If you wish, you may deposit your donation in the office of the Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, or you may donate for the Hindi University which is being planned for Indore, or you may give money to help in the propagation of Hindi in South India and other provinces. While donating, if you do not specify whether it is for the Hindi University or for the promotion of Hindi in non-Hindi speaking States, the donation will automatically be sent to the Hindi Sahitya Sammelan office. You should specially donate for the Hindi University, and the propagation of Hindi. As the Sanskrit saying goes, “plenty yields plenty”, the more you give the more will be the benefits you will get. Now, I wish to repeat to you that before you give your donation, please state whether it is to be deposited in the office of the Sammelan, or is for the Hindi University or meant for the spread of Hindi in other provinces. It is up to you if you do not wish to make any donation at all. It is neither against the law nor a matter for regret. If you donate nothing for the spread of Hindi but only give your contribution to the office or to the University, I shall understand that you have given your donation to me. I shall not feel hurt by that.”123
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Answering several questions, Gandhiji said that plague was practically exterminated from Borsad. The conversation next turned to the village industries work. Asked as to why he selected Wardha as his headquarters Gandhiji said: Because Wardha is in the centre of India, and it was in Wardha that I was able to get a rich piece of land with buildings and plenty of water, land worth over two lakhs. There are nearly 700 fruit trees on the land. I selected Wardha also because Sheth Jamnalal Bajaj was most anxious that the land which he had contemplated as donation for Maganlal Gandhi Memorial should be taken up by the All-India Village Industries Association. Lastly, Wardha is a half-village and half-town, and my own desire and that of my associates was that the headquarters should not be selected in any presidency town.”124 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “As to Quetta relief I have asked you to reserve for the time being what you collect. Later on I shall be able to guide you. The relief will last for some time. Of course this advice has force so long as you have no definite idea about its direction. Immediately you know where you would like to spend your donation, you will not hesitate to do so.”125
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I am keeping your Quetta-quake donation. I shall make use of it when the proper time comes. When you are free I would like you to collect for Harijan Wells Fund. And you can begin with father and mother. It is a work of religious merit and therefore each has to win it for him or herself. I take it you have been reading all about it in the columns of Harijan.”126 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “If you have been able to come to any decision regarding the donation contemplated by Velchand, let me know. His letter to Narahari is enclosed. I still feel that a part of the sum may be used for digging some wells, as desired by Velchand, and that the whole of the remaining amount should be spent for village reconstruction. You may, if you wish, restrict the expenditure to Gujarat. Give me your own independent views, however.”127 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Mahatma Gandhi read out a letter from Mr. Narmada Prasad, Secretary of the Sammelan, regretting his absence due to illness and announcing a donation of Rs. 500. Mahatma Gandhi, speaking [in Hindi], said that these announcements4 had made up for the debt the building had incurred but the building was still incomplete. It was sad to reflect that whereas Mr. Tandon5 had appealed for four lakhs the response had been so small in a matter which concerned what India had declared was its national language. The country was undoubtedly starving. Of course physically crores of people did not even have one meal a day and poverty and hunger in India were worse than in any other country in the world.”128
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have the Rs. 100 in mind. Add the amount to your donation to the Kamala Memorial. You will see the notice in a day or two. You may give as much as you comfortably can. And if you knew her well and that as a woman of rare spiritual beauty, make collections if you can, in an easy way. I do not want you to strain yourself in any way. Nor must you do it because I suggest it.”129 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Do go to Nainital. It would be good if Jivram gives up his insistence on attaching his mother-in-law’s name to the donation. If he does not, we shall have the name.”130 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Even if somebody offers a big donation, do not spend money received from outside on the sanitation work. I have forbidden the spending of even a single rupee in the village here where sanitation work is being carried on, for then people miss the education. We should work as hard as we can but must not spend money.”131
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “On hearing about the donations for prizes, I was reminded of Carnegie who endowed a large library in Scotland. Professors in Scotland told him: ‘If you want to make a donation, why insist on a library? You know about business; what can you know of these matters?’ I, too, would tell our philanthropists that if they want to make sure that their money would be well spent them should give us donations without attaching any conditions.”132 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The worker who wanted a donation for a separate temple for Harijans, and the one who put the various conundrums before the writer of the letter reproduced above, missed the main reason for temple-entry. The demand for opening all temples to the Harijans is made not because the Harijans desire entry, or that when the temples are thrown open to them they will become changed beings.”133
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “With this donation a start would be made and public donations would be asked for the rest of the capital. Jamnalalji and I have decided to go by what you decide in the matter. Now about the loan you have advanced. I have advised that it may be treated as all other loans and that it should be repaid. Even if the whole set-up should have to be wound up, it would remain a first charge along with Nathuramji’s money. And if it turned into a public association it would perforce have to assume the responsibility for all debts. Parameshwari Prasad is going to Calcutta. He will explain the matter to you. Having heard him you will do what you think well.”134 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Mula Lakshmi Narayanaswamigaru of Tadpatri, Anantapur District Madras Presidency Andhra has donated Rs. 5,000 for khadi and also promised to pay up to another Rs. 45,000 as a loan at 3 per cent for work in his district. I congratulate the donor on his donation and loan. I have no doubt that he could not have better employed his money. Let me hope that the district will receive the full benefit of the donation and the loan, and this will depend upon local workers and local patronage of khadi.”135
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You must excuse the pencil hand. You should tell Paul that you are not interested in the tours he suggests, your time being solely occupied with your own affairs. You should send Rs. 100 telling him that you had not expected your donation to be treated as a yearly call. The present one should therefore be treated as final. Future calls will be treated on their own merits and your then commitments.”136 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I thank you for the purse which you have presented but you should know that Daridranarayana, whose representative I claim to be, is not so easily satisfied. My business is with the crores of semi-starved masses, who need relief sorely. We have to tackle through khadi the question of a huge annual drain from India for cotton purchase. Through khadi the A. I. S. A. has already distributed over four crores of rupees as wages among the needy, poor, Hindu and Mussalman spinners and weavers. Then there is the question of Harijan uplift an equally Herculean task. Your donation ought to be commensurate with the magnitude of the task for which it is intended. Yours is not a poor city. The donors are mostly merchants. Surely, you could have done better.”137
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “A purse of Rs. 5,753 was presented to Gandhiji. He rebuked the people for such a meagre sum as Rs. 5,000 of the total amount was a single donation.”138 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You seem to attach no value to a promise. You are acting like a man who promises donation and then goes back upon the promise. Have you not given much by your Notification4 of 26th December? Donations are but one of the attributes of prince ship as they are also its ornament. By that Notification you promised a big donation. It’s very core includes surrender of the right of making the choice of names of members of the Reforms Committee.”139 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Bihari Lal explains that the day before the interview Gandhiji received a donation of Rs. 10,000 from a woman. According to Gandhi—1915–1948:”140
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The aim of my scheme is to change the very system of education. The new system will fulfil the needs of the country as well as the individual and bring about self-reliance. Self-reliance is also a true test of the fulfillment of education. Hence it makes no difference to my scheme of education even if someone gives a donation for running a primary school. And here is the scheme in a nutshell:”141
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “A friend who loves the Servants of India Society as himself, in sending his donation of Rs. 10 for the Thakkar Bapa Fund.”142 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “If all primary members of the Congress also become spinners for swaraj, how would it affect khadi? I asked Shri Krishnadas Gandhi to answer the question for me, and he has produced the following figures: The number of primary members: 40 lakhs. The value of their annual donation, say, 12,000 yards per member, can be reckoned at Rs. 1-2-0 per head, but to be on the safe side is taken at Re. 1 per head.”143 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Those who are not prejudiced against khadi will find ample food for thought in the foregoing. Let them work out what it would mean if all wore khadi, if all spun not the miserable 33 yards per day but at least 100 yards. The price of khadi can be lowered by donating this to the A. I. S. A. or, which is the same thing, the poor learning the art of spinning for their own needs. This donation will be a kind of a voluntary labour tax.”144
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Supposing a man has earned million by exploiting millions of his poor brethren and made a gift of them to a Mahatma like you, and supposing you use that money for the benefit of humanity, is the exploiter absolved from sin? Does not some blame attach to you too for having accepted this ill-gotten wealth? How can one remain blameless in this unending vicious circle? How is ahimsa to cope with this immoral exploitation? A. Let us assume for the purpose of this riddle that I am really a Mahatma, and then try to solve it. The gift of what you assume to be ill-gotten gains cannot lessen the guilt of the exploiter. If he had kept the money for himself, that would have been an additional count against him. If instead he makes a gift of it to me from pure motives, he escapes the additional sin. It is also likely that a good use of his gift may wean the exploiter from immoral means of making money. But no blame attaches to me for having accepted the gift. As the foul waters from drains flowing into the sea partake of its purity, even so does tainted wealth become pure when put to the purest use. There is one condition, however, that we have assumed, viz., that the gift is made and accepted out of pure motives. Exploitation of the poor can be extinguished not by effecting the destruction of a few millionaires, but by removing the ignorance of the poor and teaching them to non-co-operate with their exploiters. That will convert the exploiters also. I have even suggested that ultimately it will lead to both being equal partners. Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil. Capital in some from or other will always be needed.”145
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I did not have any particular hospital in mind. Let us first see someone making a donation of Rs. 30 lakhs. Only then will you be in a position to say what kind of a hospital could be run with that amount, and what kind with a hundred rupees. I know this is very difficult. But does not the M.D. degree mean the capacity to know the most difficult things? Only you can say whether all this is possible through a study course of one year. Perhaps an M.D. is not required to have knowledge of this kind. But even if that be so, I would expect you to have that knowledge, because I have observed that medical skill is a god-given gift to you, so that you are able to turn your reading and observation into something good.”146 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I have now got the exact figure. The amount realized is 16,048-15-9. I shall now see what can be done with it. You need not now send Rs. 1,000 unless you want to increase the donation. I would advise you not to at the cost of your other work.”147
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You quote from the Bible but your application is quite new and utterly selfish. You turn a donation into a debt. What is to be done? I brought you out of Bengal because you were disgusted and now you think that you did me a favour in coming out.”148 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “People have great admiration for Malaviyaji Maharaj as you must have heard today. He deserves every word of it. I know the Hindu University is a huge affair. There is no greater beggar than Malaviyaji on the face of the earth. He has never begged for himself; by the grace of God he has never been in want, but he became a voluntary beggar for causes he has made his own, and God has always filled his bowl in an overflowing measure. But he has an insatiable appetite, and although he got a crore and ten lacs instead of the crore he wanted he is still asking for more. Even at this moment he whispered into my ears that he had a good donation from the Maharaja of Darbhanga, our Chairman. I know how Malaviyaji leads his own life.”149
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “As Swami is going, I am sending this with him. I feel this meeting of Goseva Sangh was inevitable. The land and other things given to us are in two parts. One is that which Jamnalalji gave and the other that for which the Ashram has paid. This money was given for both immovable and movable property. What the Ashram has paid now was from the money mostly given by you brothers. That means it was your donation. We shall now do what you consider best. If you want to draw the amount from the Goseva Sangh, you will save that much money; otherwise that will be your additional donation to Goseva Sangh. I on my part can neither make donation out of a donation nor earn any merit from it. I hope I have been able to make myself clear. Now do whatever you think best.”150 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “As for Bapa’s reference2 of July 6, I see no discrepancy in my opinion regarding Nanjibhai’s3 proposed donation and the previous opinion quoted by Bapa. My point is that no donor should arbitrarily keep part or whole of the donation with himself. He may send recommendation about ear-marking. If it satisfies our conditions, the ear-marking may be allowed. If my opinion is held good, the fourth condition is superfluous.”151
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I do not know whether I sent you any reply to your letter of 24th July to Bapu. This is just to say that he will thankfully accept the donation of Rs. 10,000/- which Shrimati Jasodabai Lokoomal proposes to make.”152 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I wish to return the money that was received as donation for Mirabehn. It would only be proper to return it to her. Normally the money for the Talimi Sangh must be drawn from the Satyagraha Ashram funds. There is some money there but Narandas has invested it in constructive work. I can draw upon it but I can only do so at the cost of that work. And as far as possible I don’t want to do that. All told, it may require half a lakh or one lakh. I do not know the exact amount that has to be paid. The amounts that have been coming over the years are registered as charities, and it takes time to trace them out. All the books of the Ashram are lying here and there. To trace out such amounts even from well-maintained ledgers is like seeking a needle in a haystack. Nevertheless I have given instructions that all such accounts should be examined.”153
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “It has made me unhappy. You had told me clearly that your donation would go to the central fund without any condition.”154 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Please tell all our English friends that we all do our duty regardless of result. Has not an English divine said that “duty will be merit when debt becomes a donation”? Non-violence, translated ‘love’, is the supreme law for human beings.”155 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “What you have sent to Lala Ramswarup by way of donation is all right. Send it to the Trustees.”156 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “We all know that Shri Narandas Gandhi is a dedicated votary of khadi. He has such great faith in khadi that he sees Daridranarayana in it. He therefore spins for many hours a day. He has also given a prominent place to spinning in the national school conducted by him at Rajkot. For the last many years he has been collecting both yarn and money for the “Charkha Dwadashi”. This time he has carried the sutra yajna a long way and he has expressed his wish to the country that not only spinning but donating of yarn should catch on. Everyone can participate in it. It should be borne in mind that he does not insist that the yarn should be donated to him only. It can be given to All-India Spinners’ Association as well. What he wants is that people should now give yarn donations freely and that he should be supplied with figures as to the quantity of yarn spun all over India and the quantity of yarn donated. To provide information to the public it is enough if these figures are sent to the All-India Spinners’ Association office. However, the activity will gain impetus if figures are sent to the person who has conceived the idea, has struggled for it and has fostered the activity. If the figures are sent to him, he will have a clear picture of the work done and his planning and knowledge will prove very useful to all for further progress of work. Every year he seeks my consent for whatever work he does. This year I thought it proper to accept only yarn donations and suggested it to him accordingly. I have visualized yarn currency and have called Chi. Narandas its banker. I believe that he has the right ability and purity for that kind of work. It is possible that at present the yarn will not fulfil all the requirements of the currency. But our aim today is to increase the number of spinners from the standpoint of non-violent swaraj. An experiment to make yarn a currency was made locally at Nalwadi. Another experiment is going on in Bezwada. However the ideas behind the two experiments were different. The experiment can be extended to cover the whole of India. Only one year will be required for such currency to come into force. Every home will then become a mint.
But it is only an idea today. For the time being all the spinners will produce currency in the form of yarn and will give that away in donation. Every branch of the All-India Spinners’ Association will collect such donations. The yarn will belong to the All-India Spinners’ Association. Only the account will be sent to Chi. Narandas. The ownership will be that of the All-India Spinners’ Association. Narandas will be the custodian of the yarn sent to him directly or collected by him. It will be utilized and distributed with my permission. The money and the yarn collected by Chi. Narandas every year is distributed with my permission. It will be the same this year also. This year the idea of cash collection has been given up. However, cash will be received from those who want to give it but the All-India Spinner’s Association will not make any arrangement for its collection. The same rule applies to Chi. Narandas. The aim will be to collect only yarn donations. Whatever yarn the All-India Spinners’ Association collects will be its capital. From now on it will not collect cash for carrying on its activities but will manage with yarn only. The yarn thus collected will not be sold. But the khadi made from it will be sold. Yarn will be taken but not given. Only the things made from it will be given and sold. The rule already exists of taking a certain amount of yarn when selling khadi but at some places the practice has been started of giving khadi in exchange for the full quantity of yarn. In spite of that the effort will be to have only yarn donations on the occasion of Charkha Jayanti. However, I want that besides khadi other articles of village industries should be made available in exchange for yarn. But that can be realized only when we take the final step. At the moment I have presented the idea of yarn currency only in its initial form. It is easy for accounting and the capital of yarn increases not by interest but by the labour of the spinner. If the people understand this scheme then yarn will become an instrument for the production of goods worth crores of rupees. Physical labour will become the capital and will easily be able to compete with capitalists.”157
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Satyabhama Devi’s donation should be accepted if the Provincial Committee can make use of it and no burden falls on us. I take it that the correspondence, etc., will be put in order.”158 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “It is very good of you to want to do something for the charkha class. So far as I am concerned, the delicacy of your gesture is equal to the best you can do. However, in order to please you, I suggest a small donation to the cause of the removal of untouchability.”159 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You did notice, didn’t you, that even a beggar made a specific donation to the Muslim relief fund instead of using it for him. In my eyes his four annas are more valuable than four crores of rupees. This is true charity! These are the people of Bihar. Today is only the third day of my arrival here. A gesture of this kind so soon after my arrival has deeply moved me. It is God’s grace that my voice has reached so far. The more pure and true we grow — the more God enables us to see these virtues reflected in others. Think deeply over this incident.”160
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Lastly may I suggest that the attempt to please all parties is a fruitless and thankless task? In the course of our conversation I suggested that equal praise bestowed on both the parties was not meant. No praise would have been the right thing. ‘Duty will be merit when debt becomes a donation.’ It is not too late to mend. Your undoubted skill as a warrior was never more in demand than today. Fancy a sailor without his fleet, save his mother wit!”161 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “If we give anything away there should be no condition attached to the gift. Only then will the giving be pure. I have observed that most disputes in the world arise from ‘agreements’ and ‘conditions’. I, therefore, suggest that it will be more befitting if your donation to the institution in unconditional.”162 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Money for blanket continues to pour in. My thanks go out to all the donors. It is good, too, that not one donation is earmarked for this community or that.”163 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I thank you for the Rs. 1,000 note and the sentiments expressed in your letter. I am not sure that I am justified in accepting your contribution which is evidently not out of an overflowing purse. But I shall hope that you have not put yourself out for sending the donation.”164
108.Harijan, 29-4-1933
109.Harijan, 8-7-1933
110.VOL. 61: 27 APRIL, 1933- 7 OCTOBER, 1933 283
111.VOL. 61: 27 APRIL, 1933- 7 OCTOBER, 1933 412
112.Harijan, 23-9-1933
113.SATYAGRAHA ASHRAM IN NEW FORM, Before October 8, 1933
114.LETTER TO N. S. HARDIKAR, November 5, 1933
115.Harijan, 17-11-1933
116.VOL. 62: 8 OCTOBER, 1933 - 17 JANUARY, 1934 345
118.The Hindu, 28-2-1934
119.Harijan, 2-3-1934
120.Harijanbandhu, 10-6-1934
121.VOL. 66 : 16 DECEMBER, 1934 - 24 APRIL, 1935 357
122.VOL. 66: 16 DECEMBER, 1934 - 24 APRIL, 1935 450
123.VOL. 66 : 16 DECEMBER, 1934 - 24 APRIL, 1935 464
124.INTERVIEW TO THE PRESS, May 31, 1935
125.VOL. 67: 25 APRIL, 1935- 22 SEPTEMBER, 1935 178
126.LETTER TO S. AMBUJAMMAL, June 25, 1935
127.VOL. 67 : 25 APRIL, 1935 - 22 SEPTEMBER, 1935 353
129.LETTER TO AMRIT KAUR, April 13, 1936
130.LETTER TO VALJI G. DESAI, April 18, 1936
132.VOL. 70 : 21 OCTOBER, 1936 - 24 FEBRUARY, 1937 36
133.VOL. 70: 21 OCTOBER, 1936 - 24 FEBRUARY, 1937 72
134.LETTER TO G. D. BIRLA, December 2, 1936
135.Harijan, 16-10-1937
136.LETTER TO AMRIT KAUR, April 8, 1938
137.Harijan, 19-11-1938
138.VOL. 74: 9 SEPTEMBER, 1938 - 29 JANUARY, 1939 173
140.VOL. 75: 30 JANUARY, 1939 - 30 MAY, 1939 189
141.VOL. 77: 16 OCTOBER, 1939 - 22 FEBRUARY, 1940 22
142.Harijan, 4-11-1939
143.Harijan, 20-1-1940
144.Harijan, 20-1-1940
145.VOL. 79 : 16 JULY, 1940 - 27 DECEMBER, 1940 34
146.LETTER TO SUSHILA NAYYAR, August 11, 1941
147.LETTER TO S. AMBUJAMMAL, October 20, 1941
149.Benares Hindu Vishwavidyalaya Rajat Jayanti Samaroh, pp. 41
150.LETTER TO G. D. BIRLA, June 24, 1942
151.A LETTER, July 10, 1944
152.LETTER TO PRATAP DIALDAS, August 8, 1944
154.LETTER TO NANJI KALIDAS, September 20, 1944
155.LETTER TO WILLIAM Q. LASH, January 25, 1945
156.LETTER TO SHYAMLAL, May 28, 1945
157.Khadi Jagat, September 1945
158.LETTER TO AMRITLAL V. THAKKAR, October 25, 1945
159.LETTER TO M. W. H. DE SILVA, September 29, 1946
160.TALK WITH MANU GANDHI, March 7, 1947
161.LETTER TO LORD MOUNTBATTEN, June 10/11, 1947
162.A LETTER, July 28, 1947
163.SPEECH AT PRAYER MEETING, October 20, 1947
164.VOL. 98: 6 DECEMBER, 1947 - 30 JANUARY, 1948 381
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 14, 2012 at 11:48am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 14, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 9, 2012 at 10:16pm. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 11, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 5, 2011 at 6:51am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Jan 9, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 5, 2011 at 6:46am. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Feb 15, 2012.
Created by Shara Lili Esbenshade Oct 10, 2011 at 5:30pm. Last updated by Shara Lili Esbenshade Dec 31, 2011.
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