The Gandhi-King Community

For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment


Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav

Gandhian Scholar

Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

Contact No. – 09415777229, 094055338







 During the last session of the Provincial Legislature the Government of Bengal declared its policy of progressive release of detenus as the situation improved, and also gave an assurance that where adequate guarantees of good behaviour were forthcoming, any special cases would be separately considered. In the then prevailing circumstances, Government considered that a wholesale release of over 2,000 detenus might lead to difficulties and possibly a recrudescence of violence. Their policy of progressive release was enunciated in the Assembly on August 9 and was approved by the Chamber. In pursuance of this policy a large number of persons have already been released and many others have been placed under modified forms of restriction. There have since been observed definite indications of a change for the better in the general atmosphere. Recent pronouncements by certain leaders also show that they are exerting themselves to discredit methods of violence. Mr. Gandhi has also assured Government that he would do his best to improve the political situation in Bengal by preaching his cult of non-violence and creating public opinion in favour of it. He has also offered to meet detenus with the object of persuading them not to resort to or assist terrorism or other subversive activities in future. In consideration of these circumstances and on a review of the present situation, Government have decided to accelerate the release of the detenus or the removal of restrictions on them, and have therefore issued orders for the immediate release of about 1,100 detenus subject only to the requirement that changes of address be communicated. As regards the remaining detenus, no more than 450 in number, a large portion of whom are in camps and jails, Government propose to take up their cases in the near future. Mr. Gandhi has offered to interview individual detenus, a task which he intends to undertake in about four months’ time and for which Government will gladly afford him every facility. Government hopes then to be in a position to grant immediate release to those detenus in respect of whom Mr. Gandhi may be able to give Government satisfactory assurances after seeing the individual detenus. In the mean while Government will continue to consider relaxation in individual cases and, if such action appears to be justified, complete release. It is hoped that the steady development of the policy now set forth will result in the ultimate solution of this perplexing and difficult problem. Its success must, however, depend on the co-operation of the public and the leaders of public opinion in maintaining an atmosphere in which subversive movements will find no encouragement. Government, who have throughout been most anxious to carry out the policy of release of detenus as rapidly as possible consistently with the public safety, cordially welcome Mr. Gandhi’s offer of assistance in creating the favourable atmosphere that is essential for the success of this policy.

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