The Gandhi-King Community

For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment

Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav

Senior Gandhian Scholar

Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

Contact No. – 09415777229, 094055338


Mail Address-   C- 29, Swaraj Nagar, Panki, Kanpur-208020, U.P.



Baban Gokhale and Mahatma Gandhi


Baban Gokhale was a associate of Mahatma Gandhi. He worked in Champaran. Mahatma Gandhi set up three schools in Champaran. In first school he appointed teacher to Baban Gokhale and his wife Avantikabai Gokhale. He did his best there. Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to him and discussed his other associate about Baban Gokhale. Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Accompanying me are Ba, Devdas and Avantikabehn, as also her husband Baban Gokhale, and some others.” 1

Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “You know that the Depressed Class friends have been intending to build a hall and a hostel as also a school for Depressed Class children.  They came to me when I was convalescing at Juhu. I told them that I would gladly interest myself in the matter if they raised some money themselves and I told them too that I would endeavour to beg some money myself. They made many attempts more or less successful and they showed me many draft copies of the trust-deed necessary for the purpose. The latest I enclose herewith. They leave me to suggest the names of other trustees beyond two from among themselves.  The names of the two are Sjt. Ramachandra Satvaji Nikaljey and Sjt. Jayaram Tabaji Gaekwad. I would like you to interest yourself in this matter. Go through the whole thing yourself, see the site, meet all the principal members and then advise me. I would like you also to become the Secretary of the trust and one of the trustees. You may suggest to me the other names. I would like you to see Sir Purushottamdas and ask him whether he has promised to give Rs.  5,000 and whether he will give that money and become one of the trustees. Suggest some other names also to me. I would myself suggest Sjt. Gokulbhai Bhatt of the Rashtriya School and Kishorelal Mashruwala, Shrimati Avantikabai Gokhale, Seth Jamnalal Bajaj; Sjts. Jerajani and Yeshwant Prasad Desai. That would become a business-like trust.  Sir Purushottamdas can become the Chairman. If Mr. Jayakar joins, he will be a good addition. But you may omit these names altogether and make your own original suggestions. I have in mind Rameshwar Birla. He may not consent to be one of the trustees though he has given me ample funds for this class of work, and for this very work too I expect from him a fairly good sum if I can convince him that this would be a living trust and that you or some person like you would act as the Secretary. More you will ascertain from Sjt. Bhonsle who carries this letter.” 2

Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I had entrusted the whole thing to Mr. Baban Gokhale who was not well impressed. If you could spare the time, I would like you to send for and see Mr. Gokhale. I would welcome your active intervention in this matter.” 3 Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Baban Gokhale has sent many papers. I have not been able to go through them at all. Now I shall attend to them in the course of my tour and send a reply. They contain the lawyer’s opinions, etc.  What can be done about Nariman! Even after understanding the situation here he has gone and published his statement. If a meeting of the committee is called, the whole trouble can be put an end to.” 4




  1. LETTER TO KOTWAL, October 9, 1917
  2. LETTER TO BABAN GOKHALE, October 3, 1928
  3. LETTER TO M. R. JAYAKAR, January 28, 1930


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