The Gandhi-King Community

For Global Peace with Social Justice in a Sustainable Environment

Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav

Senior Gandhian Scholar

Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

Contact No. – 09404955338, 09415777229


Mailing Address- C- 29, Swaraj Nagar, Panki, Kanpur- 208020, Uttar Pradesh, India




Answers Given by Mahatma Gandhi



Q. The work of removing untouchability seems to be insuperable. How exactly are we to tackle it?

A. Silent plodding. I better tell you how I am doing it in Segaon. I do not preach to them, but work away never thinking of the result. The one condition is that you should not harbour untouchability in any shape or form. I have made it a point to have as many Harijans about me as possible. They come as servants but they soon know that they are brothers to us. We tolerate no distinction between Harijans. Though I cannot present you with tangible results of this silent service, I may safely say that there is a marked change for the better among all Harijans and the orthodox Hindus.

Q. It is not quite easy for the Harijans to leave their village where they feel like doing so, as in Kavitha. How can they get work?

A. I still adhere to my advice. We should be ashamed of asking them to stay on in the village and suffer the continuing persecution. It should not be impossible for us to find work for them. The number of those who will migrate will never be large.

Q. The Bhangis’ lot is pitiable in many places. How can they secure their elementary rights from Municipalities?

A. They must know that they are not bound to serve under all conditions. They may leave the work if the Municipality will not listen to them. But we have to settle down in their midst and educate them and not make reckless attempts to drive them to strike work. They must be taught to know that they have friends. Whilst they like others have the right to go on strike, they should know its limitations. They should be taught to regard their work as equally dignified with all other social services. I have no doubt that they are the most neglected social servants and deserve every assistance we can render them.

Q. What is the outlook, in view of the precarious financial position of our Ashrams and institutions today?

A. It is not our financial position but our moral position that is precarious. You know the instances of moral lapse that have occurred. Purity is the only social foundation. No movement or activity that has the sure foundation of purity of character of its workers is ever in danger of coming to an end for want of funds. Then we in Gujarat have to realize that we must not always depend only on our monied men. We have to tap humbler resources. Our middle classes and even poor classes support so many beggars, so many temples, why will they not support a few good workers? We must beg from door to door, beg grain, beg copper coins, and do as they do in Bihar and Maharashtra. In Maharashtra they have paisa funds and mushti funds. It will be the finest form of propaganda among caste Hindus. But remember everything will depend on the singleness of your purpose, your devotion to the task and the purity of your character. People won’t give for such work unless they are sure of our selflessness.

Q. What about the Harijans turned Christians who are today no better than Harijans?

A. Everything will be all right the moment untouchability disappears. When there is no untouchability, there will be no occasion for them to label themselves otherwise than as Hindus. I am talking of nominal Christians. If we put our own house in order, we need have no anxiety about Harijans changing religion as people change clothes.

Q. If it is impossible to get the caste Hindus’ co-operation in Antiuntouchability work, would it not be better to take up the village industries work?

A. That is a delusion. You may be sure that he who gives up Harijan work on a pretext like that will be able to do less for the village industries work. You can’t settle down in a village and miss the Harijans who are the foundation of society.




Harijan, 28-11-1936

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