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Although Britihs Imperialism is our particular enemey,it is at the same time greates enemey of all mankind-Subhas Chandra Bose

Thanks be to to Gods and Goddesses that I have celebrated my 67 birthday in a turbulent and violent world.Indeed,as a schoolboy,I saw the refugees fleeing from Belgian congo as the trains arrived with european women,children and all to Dar-es-salaam on the way back to belgium being dispossed and some raped and pillaged when congo reverted to self rule.I saw britihs military in action against African Mau Mau struggle for freedom,and bombing on mount kenya and bodies lying on ground when going to school in beautifull city or town of nanyuki,at foot of mount kenya.I saw africanisation,nationalisation and eviction of Indians from east africa,being one of the casulaty and arriving in Blighty,Uk in 1963 to be greeted with sign,no coloured or irish and saw racism,sexism,facism as uk still after all that has gone on is still struggling with same issues today as yesterday.
I have arranged Ahimsa day celebrations on Ghandijis legacy as well as celebrated Indians freedom day and promoted vegetarainsim,veganism,equality,justice and equity in uk.
Indeed,City of York interfaith have adopted a celebration of Ahimsa day as the Chairwoman,Joyce Pickard,a retired Headmistress of Quaker girls school did say that her two faourite sainst ar Ghandiji and St.Francis so we will have a guest speaker from Ghandi Foundation from London and also a christian minister who will speak on St.Francis.
Hence,one takes life with rough and smooth as one was lucky to enjoy hot weather,balmy indian summer in uk and see cricket at Lords,trent bridge as well as a  charity game in Bristol of Lashings verus Downend when about two and half thousand local community folks tunred up and it was  a joyous occasion and relieved stress as there have been stabbings and murders in recent past in stapleton road,not far from downend.
In Lashings,west indies ex skipper and bowler,Courtney Walsh was playing and I was pleased that Courtney acknowledged me just as Vivian Richards did many moons ago at Taunton when he played there was no arrogance and black brothers do appreciate one assumes other minority folks in a predominantly white crowds.
Indians were outplayed by England and were thorougly beaten in the two test matches and many started to vacate or rather flee when they realised that Indians had been outplayed and demoralised but it is only a game and thought that it was unsporting for crowds not to stay till the end and let the best team win as long as it is not a fixed match.
so what can one say and think,when one sees the violence in middle east,which indians suffered under Britihs raj when thousand of demonstrators were killed,maimed and bombs dropped on them and straffed by aeroplanes.
so it was a miracle that Ghandiji,Nehru and cambridge educated nationalist leader Subhas chnadra bose won freedom for india and over come opposition gorups within and without as per book by Lawrence James-Raj.
Indeed,when Ghandi called for "quit india" movement and also called a strike against Britihs goods in bengal,the Muslim League led by Jinnah,a Hindu convert and uk lawyer,whose king and spiritual leader was European Aga Khan ,refused to back Ghandji.The Indian princes ,blood suckers according to many also refused to back Ghandi and then the conservatives so it was an uphill struggle which made Bose
declare a Jihad against Britihs rule by an armed struggle,like Nelson Mandelas ANC.
hence,arent the same battles being fought today?so what is the answer to prevent folks hijacking other peoples territory and trying to subvert and subjugate nations,peoples and countries?

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