Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
I'm a third-generation progressive and four decades ago found myself diving into the rank and file of the civil rights and antiwar movements. As a foot soldier, I walked the last 19 miles of the Selma march among 10's of thoudands of others, but in tennis shoes. (Anyone remember Keds? They were for kids, as the ad went -- and wa,lking almost 20 miles on asphault is something I don't recommend. (Nike hadn't invented Air cross trainers, yet). I spent the summer of '65 in rural Louisiana with CORE. My partner was a Stanford student, Kent Hudson. A couple of years later I was in San Francisco resisting the draft, and I just passed the 40th anniversary of my trial in federal court.
Professionally, I've been the editor of Aging Today, newspaper of the American Society on Aging, for 20 years and am the co-founder and national coordinator of the Journalists Exchange on Aging (JEoA), a network of more than 1,000 journalists. In late 2008, I began consulting on a new project to develop coverage of issues in aging for ethnic mediaia in the U.S. through New America Media.
My 1974 book, Senior Power: Growing Old Rebelliously, was among the earliest trade-press books on the contemporary politics of aging. I'm also the author of and “Images of Aging” in the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Aging (Macmillan, 2002); “Journalism and Aging” in the Encyclopedia of Aging, Third Edition (Springer, 2001), “The Media’s Role: Beyond the Medical Model of Journalism on Aging” in Healthy Aging: Challenges and Solutions (Aspen, 1999). My work on the age beat is detailed in Turning Silver Into Gold by Mary Furlong (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2007). In 2002, I testified before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging on ageism in the media. He has been quoted in publications from The New York Times to The Huffington Post, and have spoken at numerous conferences in the fields of aging and journalism, notably the Association of Health Care Journalists (2005 and 2007), the Gerontological Society of America (2007); New America Media (2006); Grantmakers in Aging (plenary session, 2004). I was a delegate to the 1995 White House Conference on Aging and covered the 2005 edition of this decennial event.
Dec 12, 2008