The Gandhi Foundation


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Peace, Social Justice, Environment, Other
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
The Gandhi Foundation exists to spread knowledge and understanding of the life and work of Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948). Our most important aim is to explain and demonstrate the continuing relevance of Gandhi’s insights and actions today.

The Gandhi Foundation promotes:

-- Nonviolence to replace war and aggression

-- Decentralised, egalitarian economic systems such as cooperatives and trusteeships

-- Simple lifestyles that avoid an endless quest for more possessions and superficial experiences. This is essential to preserve the planet’s finite resources and prevent ecological disaster

-- Democratic systems that are decentralised, human-scale, and involve the active participation of everyone

-- Tolerant pluralistic societies. Gandhi regarded different religions and philosophies as each possessing some but not the whole truth

-- Respect for animals and an end to their exploitation by humans
Website (commercial websites are not allowed):

Comment Wall:

  • Edwin M John

    I am involved in organizing neighbourhood parliaments which for me is one way of structurally strugling for a new world order along the lines Gandhiji envisaged. Could I ask you to read about our dream in and let me have your responses?