John R. Naugle


ATLANTA: City of Peace™, GEORGIA: The Peace State™

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Peace, Social Justice, Environment
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
As creator for the ATLANTA: City of Peace™ brand, I want to develop the commercial side and non-commercial side. ATLANTAcityofpeace [dot] org is the organization and we are joining peacemakers worldwide to nurture "The Gandhi-King Global Peace Connection" and transform Dr. King's birthplace into a Global Beacon, Capital, Mecca, and Nexus of Peace. If you believe in our goal, then we welcome you as an "Official Co-Founder" (note: what you do beyond this simple belief is up to you and your available time, resources, intellect, and interests). Please link, connect, "Friend" and partner with us. We are confident that many creative peacemakers from many cities worldwide will come forward to offer ideas and/or funding. Please help us ramp up all of our major projects simultaneously so that we can seize the historical windows of opportunity before us.

YOU are also invited to help in the global launch of a 1000-year project we have termed: "The Peace Millennium" (Years 2000-3000). We want every city on Earth to become a "City of Peace."

Atlanta already has "The World's Biggest and Busiest Airport" and "The World's Biggest Airline" (because of the Delta/Northwest Airlines merger). The City of Atlanta will greatly advance "The Peace Millennium" (Years 2000-3000). Dr. King's birthplace will also greatly advance the paradigm-shift of making peace sustainable and profitable on a global basis. Atlanta will be significantly rewarded with the Peace-through-Tourism Industry. As Atlanta nurtures its greatest asset (the Gandhi-King Global Peace Connection) and our projects find fruition, then a phenomenal windfall of economic and societal reward will arrive in Dr. King's birthplace. Even our state will become known globally as Georgia: The Peace State! We have already invited: The International Institute For Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) to relocate here: IIPT [dot] org
Website (commercial websites are not allowed):
Organizations related to Gandhi/King
I also serve on the board and am chair of the Gandhi Center-Atlanta feasibility study under the leadership of the Gandhi Foundation of USA:

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  • Gondo Mohamed Stéphane

    hello i am happy having you as a particular friend on this marvelous web site which aims to promote nonviolence ideology . i want to talk more with you .
    my phone : +225 01 880 729
    e-mail :
  • Prof. Dr. Yogendra Yadav

    I am a gandhian scholor &  having deep knoledge in gandhian philosphy. Now I am working in Gandhi Research Foundation Jalgaon. I am editor of bio monthaly magzine 'Khoj Gandhiji Ki'  I am requesting for friendship. By which we can do job for piece for world.

  • doma jovita

    jovita is my name
    i was moved to write you for a heart2heart discussion when
    i came across your If u dont mind,write me directly with this mail ID,
    ( will send u my photo