Hi Maja,
I'm new to the Gandhi-King network, just became 'friends' with Riccardo. My wife and I are coming to Norway for the 1st time for an international "Peace Tax Conference" in less than 2 weeks. It's in Sandefjord near TORP airport, 2hrs south of Oslo, so still may be too far for you, but we'd love to have you join if possible. www.peacetaxconference.org or http://cpti.ws
Hi Maja,
Thanks for the note. We did have a good conference in Sandefjord (details to come on www.cpti.ws, some photos available here: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&...
We also took two days to visit the amazing Lofoten Islands, and look forward to returning someday. with best wishes, ~Alan
Riccardo Gramegna
' />
Apr 24, 2010
Alan Gamble
I'm new to the Gandhi-King network, just became 'friends' with Riccardo. My wife and I are coming to Norway for the 1st time for an international "Peace Tax Conference" in less than 2 weeks. It's in Sandefjord near TORP airport, 2hrs south of Oslo, so still may be too far for you, but we'd love to have you join if possible. www.peacetaxconference.org or http://cpti.ws
Jun 18, 2010
Alan Gamble
Thanks for the note. We did have a good conference in Sandefjord (details to come on www.cpti.ws, some photos available here: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&...
We also took two days to visit the amazing Lofoten Islands, and look forward to returning someday. with best wishes, ~Alan
Jul 22, 2010