Leah Martin


Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Peace, Social Justice, Environment
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
There are 12.4 Million orphans just in India, and only 3,500 were adopted last year. We are creating a documentary to accelerate global awareness on the need to adopt orphans. The goal is to bring children who need homes into hearts that need children one family at a time to bring our world back together. OM Shanti.
Website (commercial websites are not allowed):

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  • Clayborne Carson

    Hi Leah,
    Thanks for adding the new photo and for participating. I'm back in the US but still have wonderful memories of the wonderful people, like you, that I met in India.
  • Kavya

    Im from the Riverside School in Ahmedabad - India. Since your area of interest is helping young children (orphans mainly as i read in your profile), our school (director - Kiran Sethi) has started an initiative for under privileged kids, trying to make every city child friendly. The initiative is called 'aProCh' A protagonist in every child. Maybe you would like to check out it's site - aproch.org
    Thanks alot
  • Mukund


    Noble work!

    My friend Dr. Miller and Robert from Colorado have adopted some children at Leh.

    I will invite them to join your noble work.


    Kind regards,
