Sister Queen Tate


Selma, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Peace, Social Justice
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
CALL ME IF YOU GOT NEWS FOR SELMA BEST videos OR You want to be on Selma Best
3345261773queentate2002 on
I will do my best, or write me at
102 lamar ave selma alabama 36701 for booking infomation.
Website (commercial websites are not allowed):
Organizations related to Gandhi/King
SELMA BEST & queentate2002 / or queentate102/

Comment Wall:

  • Adrian Gilpin

    Thanks for connecting :-)
  • R. Prasad Gandhi

    Dear Sister Queen Tate Hey nice to have you as a friend and thanks for giving you response. I am keen to meet you. please whenever, come to India , try to meet you.
  • Clayborne Carson

    Thank You!