Michael A.K Ellimah




Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Peace, Social Justice, Environment
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
Michael A.K Ellimah, affectionately called Michael Power is a young dynamic Physics graduate from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. Michael Power represents the voice of the voiceless trumpetting the plight and anxieties of the vunerable in our society. Michael is committed to sinking his wealth of knowledge and experiences deep into the well of advocacy and activism in bringing hope to the hopeless in all shades of society. He does so by engaging willing minds through community service under the umbrella of the foundations he has established for purposes of social justice, peace and development of our communities. He is the fouder of Movement for Social Justice, Ghana First Foundation, Coalition for Freedom and Justice and many organizations intended to bring many from the outskirts of social exclusion to the metropolis of social inclusion. In the early parts of the eighties at Bibiani in the Western Region of Ghana God, the controller of the universe permitted the womb of madam Gladys Antwi of blessed memory to allow Michael Power on planet earth to start the journey of putting laughter in the smiles of many, putting smiles in the soring hearts of the sorrowful and to put Christ in the cries of crisis lives. Michael enjoys contributing to socio-political discussions, reading, sports, researchs, preaching and teaching. The acquisition of knowledge and sharing with many is the savoring staple of Power's heart and persona.

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