Rudy Barker


Detroit, Michigan

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Peace, Social Justice, Environment, Other
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
I'm a "Living History Performer" who has portrayed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., for over 25 years. I have also taught anger management for over 15 years in some of the toughest markets in Detroit, MI.
I have a program entitled "De-Activate The Hate", where I teach children how to resolve their conflicts without violence, while using Dr. King's and Gandhi's philosophy of peace, love and brotherhood. I also perform as Dr. King in a play entitled "Ahimsa, the path of peace". sponsored by Nadanta, an artistic dnace troupe that does the tranditional dances of India and tells the history of Gandhi trek to assist in breaking free of the rule of the British. I'm interested in the Gandhi- King community to keep abreast of new techniques of teaching nonviolence. I also would like to meet other people that are interested in peace.
Website (commercial websites are not allowed):

Comment Wall:

  • Gondo Mohamed Stéphane

    I totally agree with your quotation and i thank you for displaying it here for us .