Phil Hansing


Elkhart, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Social Change Interest
Why are you interested in the Gandhi-King Community?
I am a Hatha Yoga teacher in the Elkhart area, bringing to my students the message that we are all one.
Organizations related to Gandhi/King
The Temple of Kriya Yoga, Chicago, IL
Yoga Alliance

Comment Wall:

  • Stacie Meyers

    Congrats on joining the Gandhi-King Community!
  • Aunty Kamala

    Dear Sir, Yeah! John Gatto! What a soul! I so appreciate his book, "Dumbing us Down." The educational system has been so long geared to serve the interests of big business, that we no longer question the direction it is taking us as human beings. I found a wonderful book on what education could look like, by Vinoba Bhave, who carried on Gandhi's work in a very humble way, travelling on foot for 13 years throughout India, spreading the simple message of caring responsibility for one another, and a new form of education that brought people into meaningful life, ethical life.
    The reference for that book, Vinoba (translated by Marjorie Sykes) (2008) Thoughts on Education. Sarva Seva Snag-Prakashan, Varanasi. The copyright holder is Gram Seva Mandal.
    On Gandhi Topia, the sister network to this community, is a man named Father Edwin of you might be interested to see his work, which simultaneously brings about natural environmental and educational reform.
    Please post your views on education as you see it, or experienced it in the West, and where it helped and where it failed you in terms of your own ethical life...I think this would be a good topic to discuss with many.
    Aunty Kamala
  • Asaf Zilberberg

    Hi Phil,
    Within the next link, you'll find (and hopefully read) a short article (about 1.5 p.) I've published.
    The article is about A Possible Vision: Social Harmony.

    enjoy the reading & have a nice day, Asaf
  • Stacie Meyers

    Hi Phil! Hope you are well and enjoying the spring weather that has finally arrived in Northern Indiana:)
  • Gondo Mohamed Stéphane

    hello i am happy having you as a particular friend on this marvelous web site which aims to promote nonviolence ideology . i want to talk more with you .
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